"Maybe close your mouth before you catch a fly or something," Jennifer chuckles from behind me. I turn around, and she hands me a drink.

"I didn't know you were this rich," I say, completely awestruck.

"It's not something I like to brag about," she says, smiling. "But yeah, my dad owns multiple firms."

"You're so lucky, and I mean that in the best way possible," I say, taking in the room once more, and I hear her sigh.

"I'm not going to deny that living here isn't some kind of dream, but it sucks too, you know?" She says as if I would understand. If I lived here, all my problems would be gone.

"I don't know, no," I reply honestly, and she gives me a half smile.

"My dad is out a lot because of his firms, which means I only see him once a month, and even that is stretching it," she confesses. "And it takes a toll on my mom too; she works her frustrations out on me and my brother, which isn't always that fun." I nod. I wouldn't be able to survive if I didn't see my dad at least every two days, so I can only imagine how much it sucks.

"I'm sorry for assuming," I apologize, and she smiles.

"That's okay, really. Let's just enjoy the party, all right?" She says as she makes a drink for herself. "Alex and Lily are somewhere around if you'd want to speak to them," she says, turning around again.

"I'll find them, but first, I still need to give you your gift," I say, and excitement sparkles in her eyes. "Here you go," I say, handing her the bag with the gifts inside. She takes it eagerly and takes the box out before opening it carefully. It's a simple silver necklace that she's been telling me about forever, and I decided to get it for her birthday, because why not.

She looks like she's about to cry, making me grin widely. "Emily, are you serious? It's perfect!" She squeals as she jumps into my arms and embraces me. I can't help but giggle as I see her face when she pulls away again.

"Can you help put it on, please?" She asks, already turning around and holding her hair up as she holds the necklace out toward me, and I gently clasp it around her neck. "Thank you, Emily. I love it!" She exclaims, and I nod at the bag again, because there's something else in there.

She looks at me confused before getting it, and her eyes grow wide. She grabs the bag and takes something else out. It's wrapped in paper so she can't see what it is yet.

As she slowly unwraps it, I see how many people have gathered around us. I spot Alex and Lily, and I wave at them before returning my attention to Jennifer, because I don't want to miss this.

"You can't be serious, Emily?!" Jennifer almost screams as she takes it completely out of the wrapping paper, revealing the book 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt. Except it's not just a normal copy... it's a signed and annotated version by Donna herself. I remembered Jennifer saying that it's one of her favorite books, and Flora has some connections, making it able for me to get this copy.

Jennifer looks up at me before going in for a hug again. It's a different kind of hug, one with more affection, probably because I remembered something she only mentioned once, at least that would be my case.

She pulls away slowly and looks at me before saying, "thank you, Emily, seriously. It's the greatest gift I've ever gotten," she says honestly as she flips through the book again.

"You're welcome," I simply reply.

"I'm going to lay it safely in my room; I don't want anything to happen to it," she says as she grabs the bag and throws the wrapping paper inside before gently placing the book there as well.

Ms. AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now