Mall Trip!! (Devon is a Heathers Geek)

Start from the beginning

"Jason dean is from Heathers, its both a movie and a musical and to be completely honest the musical is really good but i like the movie from 1988 better, and i really like how Jason Deans character is portrayed because he grew up with a normal family but his mother fucking exploded so he grew up with his not so stable dad and had to move pretty often because his dad would do some not okay crimes causing them to move states every few months. and he just grew up with the mindset that murder was okay if you didn't get caught and so he also started to become like his father and one day he went to this school named Westerburg high school and  saw this girl hanging out with the most popular girls in school, he saw her at a 711 and explained to her like his lore i don't know why. and then they parted ways as Heather C, started honking at them. he then appears outside her window, or if you wanna have it the off broadway version then the girl, Veronica comes to him through his bedroom window and they preform dead girl walking which is very sexual and i would not like to explain, then in the morning JD and Veronica want to 'prank' Heather C for kicking Veronica out of the group. JD starts joking around about putting chemicals in the drink and Veronica laughs it off even though he was being a hundred percent serious. Veronica then makes a gross mixture between milk orange juice and other substances that wouldn't actually kill her and JD and Veronica kiss, during this kiss JD swaps the cups so veronica picks up the sink cleaner instead of the one she made. They arrive at Heathers house and she drinks it and they kill her, Veronica starts freaking out and JD tells her to just write a note to fake her suicide and thats what they do, then they kill again after these two boys try to sexually assault Veronica, and Veronica just freaks out and breaks up with JD causing him to go insane, go to her house, make her parents think she's suicidal, then he tries to kill her and she fakes her death. and then JDs like 'okay im gonna blow up the school' and runs off, then Veronica goes to stop him and they have this big fight and JD ends up strapping a bomb to his chest and he dies" Devon explains.

Kelsey just sat there in shock that he just happend to know all this shit about a random ass keychain that he thought happened to look close to his appearance.

"yea im buying this shit for you cause wow..." "what wait i didn't want you to get it for me i was just saying." "no you fucking geek i want to get you something so just accept it." "oh my god fine"

Devon rolled his eyes as Kelsey picked the keychain up off the rack and pulled Devon to the cash register still holding his hand. They walked out the store with Kelsey holding like three bags and making Devon hold like two. "I hate you so much" Devon stated "mmmmhhmmm sure you do" Kelsey said, Devon almost pushed Kelsey playfully but realized his hand was intertwined with Kelseys and immediately stopped in his tracks and got all flustered.

Kelsey wondered why Devon just stopped so he literally started dragging him, Devon didn't know why he was getting all red and flustered over a boy and why he never felt this toward heather or any girl for that matter.

He didn't know how to react to this new feeling but he liked it, he really liked it but wanted it to stop. He didn't know why he liked it, he didn't want to like it. this feeling made him feel really sick and although there was a whole bunch of air conditioning blowing from almost all directions to him he was really hot and was getting sweaty,

he was feeling all these emotions at once but couldn't recognize all of them because of how fast he was thinking. after awhile he snapped out of his train of thoughts to see Kelsey pulling him through a crowd of people, Devon started walking again after what felt like forever. And Kelsey let out a sigh of relief after his legs started moving,

Kelsey let go of Devons hand but Devon snatched it back because although he wanted to get rid of the feeling he desperately wanted to hold Kelseys hand, the man he was supposed to despise, the man he wanted to hurt, injure even. He didn't realize how much he blocked out all the signs, how much he desperately wanted to believe he was straight, how much he wanted to hate Kelsey. He couldn't fight this feeling, he didnt want to fight it. Devon looked beside him to see Kelsey, who was just looking straight ahead. Devon wondered how Kelsey could just hold a mans hand and not feel this, or at least not show how hes feeling. Devons stomach twirled in knots as he continued to hold the boys hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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