"Oh wow..." Mingyu looked at the box he was handed.

"Thank you!" Jeonghan smiled taking the box.

"Can we open them?" Jisoo asked.

"Sure!" Koko exclaimed.

"It's so cute!"


"It's beautiful!"

Once they opened their boxes they each found a beautifully carved animal figure from wood and it was magnificent.

"Did you make them?" Seungcheol asked.

"Waa! I get to have a pet!" Chan admired the figure.

'No, those were all hand-carved by my father. Aside from running the shelter that's another thing he was passionate about. He loved making them. I think he even made one based on each rescue. Then he'd give them away to people who dropped by to volunteer or adopt. Sometimes to kids who were just passing by. Dad would've wanted you to have those. With your help, every animal he's ever rescued found a home, that's all he ever wanted." Tears surfaced in her eyes. "I-I'm... I'm sure he's overjoyed right now. Ah... Overjoyed? What am I saying?"

"Koko..." Jisoo mumbled stepping forward.

"It's going to end because of me. I-I can't even keep the place he loved so much running."

"Her, sit down." Jisoo guided Koko to a nearby bench.

"I'll go get her water!" Seokmin dashed off.

"I've tricked myself into believing that I'm doing the right thing just so I wouldn't feel bad. But I honestly have no idea if he's be okay with the decision I've made. It's all my fault. I've always avoided talking about the shelter while he was still here. I was guilt-ridden because I was far away selfishly doing what I wanted... While he stayed here and grew old alone. I should've just stayed here."

"To stay solely for your dad?" Seungcheol asked Koko.

"I-it's what I should've done back then... And it's what I should do mow. But here I am making the same mistake twice. I'm a horrible daughter."

"You're a teacher, right?"


"You must really love what you do to pick it twice." Seungcheol smiled.


"Ah! Why are you crying then? You made the right choice. Don't worry, your Dad's cool with it!"


"Trust me I'm a father. I wouldn't want my son to sacrifice his own dreams for mine. That's why your dad gave you the choice in the first place. What you do is just as good. I'm sure he'd want you to continue it."

"But shutting down his hardwork..."

"It's run its course. Closing it doesn't change the fact that it saved hundreds of lives." Mingyu assured walking up to her. "Your Dad will always be remembered for it. And even if the shelter isn't her anymore. If you see how many people showed up today?"

"There are a lot who still care. We'll be able to manage somehow." Seungcheol added.

"Also, please don't give us all the credit. It's amazing how you held out for the rescues left behind." Jisoo smiled.

"It's because of you they're able to meet their future family." Seokmin chuckled. "Surely your father is very proud of you."

"Thank you everyone." Koko wiped off her tears feeling the warmth and comfort radiated by everyone around her.


"Jisoo and I will drive the rescues back. But we were wondering if you could take back the microphones and speakers we borrowed to this address?" Seokmin asked.

"Sure thing!" Seungcheol exclaimed.

"Han and Chan wouldn't fit in your car with the equipment though."

"It's just a 10 minute walk home. They can go home first."

"I see... Well, the address is a little tricky to find so..."

"I'll go with you!" Mingyu walked up to them. I know how to get there, I can go. If that's alright with you, of course."

"Yeah, I'd like that." Seungcheol smiled.


Soonyoung played with the hamster figure in his hand sitting on a bench when he did not notice Jeonghan walking to him with sleeping Chan in his arms.

"Heh~ Look what I got! Jealous?" Jeonghan smirked showing off his tiger figure.

"Huh? Hyung?" Soonyoung's head snapped up and to his side to look at Jeonghan.

"Tell you what. I'll trade it for yours if you do me a favor. Walk home with us. Also, we should take turns carrying Chan. My back is killing me."

"Hyung... Sure you've got yourself a deal!"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 1300



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