Chapter 1. The party

Start from the beginning

"Here comes our favorite vet doc, Miss Reader!" Announced Iori, my roomate at the time who became one of my closest friends and another addition to our visits to the Kaizen "¡Our animal whisperer! ¡Our savior of the species! ¡Our... I can't come up with anything else, I'm sorry."

"Congrats, Ree" Megumi, the son of the owner of the bar and the current bartender, was practically one of our group at that point despite being several years younger than us. He used to listen to all of our gossiping while refilling our drinks and he even started sharing his own thoughts on them after he got comfortable with us, he was a young guy but he was very mature for his age. In fact, he sounded like the only voice of reason in our group sometimes "This one's on the house" he said offering a glass of beer to me.

"Thank you guys" I hugged both my friends and high fived Megumi before taking a big sip of that beer "God, I needed this"

"I bet you were shitting your pants before that interview, huh?"

"Please Shoko, you know me. Of course I was"

"We should throw a party" Iori suggested "You know, to celebrate the good news"

"Please, we're three people. Four if we count Megumi"

"I have to work, sorry guys" said the boy before walking away to take someone's order.

"Don't be a coward, you're still one of us!"

Meg uni gave Shoko an unfazed look and kept talking to his client. It was a late afternoon and there weren't too many customers at that time of the day but the Kaizen always had someone here and there.

"Okay, I know we're a reduced group of people"

"Literally three" you mumbled again.

"But we can make this work" Iori insisted, she was the most optimistic of us three "Come on Ree, don't you want to celebrate like old times?"

"I mean... I do want to celebrate this new chapter of my life, but what I had in mind was more like just the three of us sharing a bottle of wine and some snacks in our apartment"

"Ree, baby, that's great, that sounds like fun. But we do that every fucking Sunday, Iori is right, we should do something bigger and at least a bit more expensive than a five dollar bottle of wine"

Not even Shoko was on my side anymore and sadly they were right, we used to party a lot during our younger days and I kind of missed that feeling but we were three girls with a limited budget and the social skills of a fish. To this day I can't even explain how we became such close friends when all three of us were extroverted kids who could barely hold a normal conversation with a stranger.

"Do you remember the college parties we used to attend?" Iori recalled, her fingers playing with her long silky hair, she was outstanding, the pretties of the prettiest "I miss that"

"Of course I don't remember, I got wasted most of the time," said auntie Shoko before sipping on his glass of scotch. "Besides, those parties were huge, we must be realistic here. I guess I can invite some of my work colleagues to fill the place with more people, other than that I can't come up with anything else"

"Oh my God, that's great! I can call my work friends too. Ree you should do the same, the more the better."

"Before we invite anybody ... Shouldn't we find a place first? And what about the drinks?"

"Girl, what the fuck?" Shoko scoffed as if I just delivered the dumbest question ever "We're going to throw the party here, at the Kaizen. I'm not getting that bunch of nerds from the hospital in my house"

"Shouldn't we ask Megumi first?"

"I'm not asking for permission from a twenty year old kid"

"Did I hear my name?" Megumi appeared behind the bar carrying two empty glasses in his hands "You guys need another drink? It's quite early, though."

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