Trick or Treat

Começar do início

I shoved him away and marched into the prank room's long, black vastness.

"There must be a door out of here," I grumbled. "Then I can go back to my boring life."

"Eve, I'm sorry." He sighed painfully. "Come back here. Darling, you are not that boring."

"I haven't seen you in years." I clap back. "Maybe I am boring! Maybe I'm happy to be that way!"

"Fine." Mephisto relented and gestured to a red door. "This is the way out. Let's go back to my room, and we'll talk—even if it is about boring, mundane things. I'm willing to listen."

"You never listen, so cut the crap." I stared at a rather plain-looking wooden door directly in front of me. "You could be leading me astray. This humble, boring door is most likely the way out."

I twist the knob.

"Eve." Mephisto reached out a hand to stop me. "Don't go in that one. I mean it!"

Without paying him any heed, I walked through.

I soon realized my mistake as I fell screaming into a bottomless abyss.


I landed into something soft, which practically swallowed me whole. I tentatively cracked my eyes open. I was in a bed with a rainbow-coloured patchwork quilt and wearing an ice-blue dress with too much crinoline. I read the tag hanging from the frock labelled Takara ballerina doll.

"C-mon!" I hissed. "This is your fantasy, Mephisto. Not mine!"

"You have made a grave error," his voice cajoled disembodied from the air. "This is an inescapable room. The red door really was the way out."

My eyes scan the walls. There are five identical doors, all dull brown.

"Each door will lead to something terrible." I blustered. "I know you too well. Tell me how to get out."

"Oh?" He chuckled. "Now you want me. Well, this room was designed as a torture device to force a victim to face their fears. It was created in ancient times by exorcists to test the bravery of the Templar Knights. This is not my magic."

"Mephisto...." My voice quivers with anxiety. "Come on, help me. This isn't funny anymore."

"I would just pick a door and get it over with."


"Oh, Eve." He teased. "You are such a coward sometimes."

"I'll pick one of them, and I will lose." I continued, fists balled at my sides. "You don't play fair, ever!"

With the sound of my words, all the doors slammed open simultaneously. Out of the blackness emerged human-like forms, but looks could be deceiving. They weren't human; they were life-sized wind-up dolls with brown mops covering their faces. Once they surrounded the bed, they stopped with arms hanging limply at their sides.

'Uh...okaaaay." I whisper. "That wasn't so bad."

Suddenly, the head of the centre doll sprang up with a manic jerking motion. Its creepy eyes were fixated on me and were all too familiar. The doll was Lightning. Soon, the rest of the Lightning dolls followed suit.

"Eeeeeve." They spoke in unison as they advanced toward me. "We need to check your body for a demon's mark."

"NO!!!" I screamed. "Stay away!!!"

My fear made them smile creepily.

"We can resort to torture..."

Suddenly, sawblades emerged from their hands, all preparing to slice me into pieces.

"Mephisto!!!" I shrieked, but I couldn't see him.

I couldn't wait for the demon to help me; I had to act NOW!!!

Calling upon all of my powers, I began to glow with an intense white light. I would use the powers inherited by my father and leave Assiah altogether. At least in the fifth dimension, I would be safe from all of this bullshit.

Little did I know Mephisto was there and quickly fighting back the dolls. But the magical process for my departure had already started. I couldn't stop the portal from forming, nor could I move. The creation of the fifth dimension froze me within the in-between space.

Mephisto hopped onto the bed and sat down. He laid his head in my lap and patiently waited.

"Darling, this is all rather dramatic." He smiled endearingly. "Those Lewin dolls were made out of wood, after all." He held up a sawblade." I don't even think they could cut you."

My eyes glared at him pensively.

"But I gotta say, I'm going to take up your offer—" He wrapped an arm around my waist. "I'm going to hitchhike to the fifth dimension. I've always wanted to see it. Won't your father be SO happy to see me?"


I swore inwardly.

I'd made a terrible and stupid mistake!


With a blinding flash of magic power, I transported Mephisto and me home.

Back to the fifth dimension and Dad's impending fury!!!

The Interview Part 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora