Chapter 12 (Hongjoong pov)

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Authors note

Sorry for any spelling mistakes :)


It was Saturday afternoon and my face was buried in my arm as I try to ignore the sounds around me. We were at the mall and I somehow managed to get San to sit down for one second since we had been walking for 3 hours and, mainly just me and Jongho following around San as he shopped, and like most of the time, he still hadn't bought anything. I know that San and Jongo just wanted me to enjoy myself for once but I was mentally exhausted (Definitely an over exaggeration) from recounting everything that happened with Seonghwa for the second time, to Jongho and could not stop thinking about this assignment due on tuesday! I'd much rather be working on my assignment than listening to these two going on and on about how grumpy I always am, not to mention that I didn't get much sleep last night. I spent to much time thinking about that text Seonghwa sent.

Sure, I may be grumpy, but that doesn't mean I would pass up an opportunity to see Seonghwa, because we are friends now, and I would have Jongho and San with me so I wouldn't need to worry about being awkward.

"Yeah and then he dropped his chips into the toilet-"

"Hey, I would hate to interrupt your... interesting story, but Seonghwa invited us to some sort of hang out with his friends." I interrupt plainly. I lifted my head up and fixed my hair, trying to wake myself up before I actually fell asleep.

"He invited us? Like, us three?" San rests his chin on the table as I talk.

"Well what do you think? He said "us" for a reason!" Jongho responds, kicking San from under the table.

"Okay smartass, stop abusing San"

"He deserved-"

"No I didn't!" San shouts

"ANYWAYS!" I lift my hands up and raise my voice to get their attention and they both immediately go quiet. It was amazing how quickly the three of us managed to go off subject.

"Yes. Seonghwa and his friends are going for dinner then clubbing, and they asked us to join."

"Well that's not a very romantic date!" San mutters but I chose to ignore him. Still, his words kind of made my heart flutter, but me and Seonghwa are just friends. Of course it wasn't a date since it was going to be a big group of people but it did mean that he really meant what he said that day back at Brews, Seonghwa really did want to see me again. This time it won't be because he's drunk or got kicked out of his dorm for the night.

"Hey Joong, why are you smiling like that, you thinking of Seonghwa?" Jongho smiles fondly.

"No, why would I?" Though,my words come out rushed and I take out my phone to distract myself and not need to look up since I knew that Jonhgo was giving me that "Yeah right" look.

Well, since that's over.. Can we go to-"

"No!" Me and Jongho both say at the same time"

"We are not spending more time following you around just for you to walk out of a store empty handed." Jongho demands, looking at San with a stern expression on my face.

"Let's just go back to our place or something" I say casually.

"Fine" As we got up to walk back to the dorm building I pay San's back since he was clearly sad but I don't think my legs would be able to get us back to the dorms if we continued to shop any longer.

|:|Seonghwa pov|:|

"Do I look okay?"

"Oh my god!" Yeosang groans

"Hwa, you look fine! Now can we get going? We told them we would be there at 6:30!" Wooyoung walked up to me and rested his hands on his hips, he was wearing black leather pants with a colorful blouse.

"Are you sure I look okay?" I had spent the last few minutes trying to tame this hair bump on the right side of my head but it wouldn't go away.

"Why are you so worked up on how you look anyways?" The voice came from outside of the bathroom and sounded like Yeosangs, seeing how moody he sounded.

"It's because his crush is going to be there"

"Oh that Hongjoong guy?"

I quickly spin around to look at Wooyoung.

"I told you not to tell anyone!" I practically whine as I look at a grinning Wooyoung.

"Ooh poor Seonghwa, you're so forgetful. When will you learn? Woo can't keep secrets" Mingi sonters over into the bathroom too. The tall boy Pushed his way past Wooyoung and into the small bathroom making it very cramped, then finally, he laid a hand on my shoulder and shaked his head but I flicked his hand off.

"Don't act like you're any less forgetful. You forgot the spam you were frying this morning and almost set the fire alarm off!" My expression turns softer as I see Mingi pout.

Suddenly Yeosang shoves himself in the bathroom as well, okay, now it was well over crowded.

"It's 6:26" He states plainly, staring at us through the mirror and my eyes widen.

"Shit, uh, okay" I scan around for my phone and give my hair one last glance, frowning at the little hair bump still on my head but we were already very late.

"Okay okay I'm ready let's go"

We all piled into Yeosang's cheap, old blue car, the only thing college kids like us could afford. It was small and kind of smelled like a mix of Tide laundry detergent and Yeosang's lemony cologne. I sat next to Wooyoung since Mingi had called dibs to sit in the front earlier. Neither Wooyoung nor I cared anyways. I kept glancing down at my phone and my clothes to make sure they looked okay or if Hongjoong had texted us since we were late but at least the diner was only 5 minutes away.

"Okay Hwa, your job is to find them" Wooyoung says while getting out fo the car and looking around. I had barely noticed the car had stopped.

I glance down at my phone to see a notification.

Hongjoong (Cute guy)

We are waiting inside

6:29 PM

"He said they're waiting inside '' Shoving my phone back inside my coat pocket I march towards the door, hearing the other three following behind.

"I wonder if they'll be a cute girl?" Mingi says excitedly from behind me and I chuckle.

"I don't think there will be any girls!" Wooyoung giggles.

"Doesn't mean I can't hope!"

"Just don't get you're hopes up" I mutter.

"Let him do what he wants." My head whips around to look at Yeosang.

"Who are you and where did Yeosang go?"

All three of us stop and look at Yeosang, surprised at his unexpected answer.

"I just want to see his face when there's no girls. He'll be pouting like a baby"

We all throw our heads back in laughter.

"He's back" Wooyoung calls out and we rush inside while still laughing since the cold was getting to us even though we weren't out there for that long.

"Hwa?" My head turns around after hearing a certain soft raspy voice calling out my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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