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"We don't pray for love we just pray for cars" I yell as I sing along to the song. The windows are down and I have have my hand out the window. I pull up to the street race. Everyone moves out of the way for my car as I pull up to the start line. People pat my car as I go through the mob. And finnaly I make it to the start line. I step out of my car. My long brown curly hair blows through the wind as I get out of the car. I currently wearing black baggy cargo pants with a pink crop top.

"What up Annie" I hear someone say and I turn around and see one of my friends Sawyer.

"Whats up Soy" I say as I walk over to her. We hug each other. She's not much into actually street racing but more into the vibes and skimpy outfits.

"You gonna win again tonight" she asks as we get out of the hug.

"Who else to do you except to win" I say and roll my eyes.

"Alright who's ready to race today" I hear someone yell in the distance. Which means that the race is gonna start soon.

"Be right back baby" I say to my Saywer.

"Go get em baby" she says back, and as I walk away she hits my butt. Many people think we're dating the way we talk and act, but we really are just good friends.

"You ready to race bolt" Andy says. Andy is the person who runs the races. Sometimes it pretty sure he takes half the money I win, but I didn't do it for the money, I just do it to race.

"Yep, how much is the rate right now" I ask. Grabbing a wad of cash out of my pocket.

"2,000 to get in to this race" he says. Putting his hand out to accept my cash.

"I got you" I say as I hand him my wad of cash. I blow my bubble gum and pop a bubble. "Who else is racing?" I ask

"Milo, Cody and Devon" he says.

"Oh great" I say and roll my eyes. Cody is absolutely obsessed with me. He is super rich and basically has no skill. He just races and loses his money every time just to ask me out. I say no every time. You think he would learn.

"Haha" Andy laughs. "I knew you would be annnoyed when he came up and asked to race.

"At least Milo and Devon can hold their own in a race" I say

"Hold their own" he laughs "you kill them everytime. You are litterly the Max Verstapen of racing." He adds on as he laughs more.

"Who's Max Verstapen?" I ask, genuinely confused who we is comparing me to.

"Like the number one person in f1" he says

"What's f1" I ask, even more confused now. He looks at me with his mouth wide open. Like I just said the stupidest thing ever.

"You will now soon enough" he says and pats my back. Andy has always been like an older brother to me. I'm only 16, which surprises many people. But Andy has been there for me even in the darkest parts of my life.

"What's that supposed to mean" I say as he starts pushing me to my car. "Wait I'm so confused" I say adding on.

"Just be careful after the race. You never know what might happen" he says as he opens the door for me to get in my car. My car is hot pink and I consider it my baby. He closed the door for me. "Now be safe" he says and levels. I look to the car next to me and I see Cody obnoxiously yellow car. I roll my eyes. I see him get in his car and see me and rill his window down.

"Hey baby" he says and winks at me. I roll my eyes in return. I don't even reply back so he starts talking again. "If I win tonight how about I get you"

"You wish. You can even win a race ever" I say Cody goes to ANWSER back but then I hear Andy on the megaphone.

"Are you racers ready" he says and we all rev up are engines.  "Today we have Milo, Cody, Annie, and Devon" he says. Saying our names in the order where lines up in.

"This is for you baby" Cody says and blows me a kiss. He can not be serious right now. How does he still think that I might want to get with him. Him and that daddy's money I guess. If only we were all fortunate like that.  The race girl goes in front of are cars and raises her flag.

"In your mark, get set, go" she says and pushes her dlag down. We all rev up our engines and go. I love racing it makes me feel free. But I also love it cause we're in Miami. And I get to see the whole city of Miami as I drive through our unofficial course.

I'm currently in first. Which is usual. But Milo is close behind. We start to go on the turn to the left and Milo hits my back tire.

"Hey" I scream and stick my middle finger out the window at him. I'm still in first though so it's not a big deal. I then turn the corner again and next thing I know I see the finish line. I pull up and cross it. And then do some donuts just for fun. I get out of my car and see the three boys pull up after me.

"How are you just so fast" Milo says as he gets out of his car coming up to me. " I almost had you in the beginning but then you were gone" he says as he pats me on the back. Andy comes up to me and pats me on the back as well. As he he gives me my race wamrings. I get back 7,000. It should have been 8,000.

"Hey where's the rest Andy" I ask

"You know I got to keep this place going somehow" he says and laughs. Which means I am in fact not going to get the rest of my money.

"Whatever" I say. All of a sudden I hear police sirens and the place lights up red and blue. Everyone starts jumping in cars and levering.

"Be safe" Andy says and nods his head. How did he know this was coming I wonder. I run to my car and jump in. I start driving forward. I have to find somewhere to hide my car, becuase it's so recognizable becuase it's pink. Which is the one downfall of having a pink car. I keep going as there's a cop behind me folloning me. I suddenly sky see a parking garage and take a sharp right. Which lets me lose the cop brings me . I let out a deep breath but I'm still not out of the woods yet. I drive into the parking aggrage and find a place to work my car. I grab my keys out and put a black sweatshirt on. I leave my car and lock it as I walk. Also pulling my hood up to hopefully hide myself a little bit better. I start to walk to the direction to my house. Hopefully I don't get caught.

I walk for a bit until I hear sirens again.

"Don't act scared" I say out loud to myself as I countinues to walk forward with my head down. I can not afford to get trouble with the law. The car goes ahead of me and I think I'm safe and then it stops.

"Mrs Bailey please put your hand were I can see them" the police offer says

"You have got to be kidding me" I say out loud. Why is this happening to me.! I walk up to him as there's no use trying to run. I put my hands up and he cuffs my hands behind my back. He says the whole speech about my rights and I just ignore him. He finnaly pushes me in the back of the car and we start to drive to the police station

Annie BaileyWhere stories live. Discover now