The Ballroom Affairs

Start from the beginning

Benedict smiled at her and then took her hand to dance.

Eloise and Elliot were dancing for some time now, when she looked over to see Theo. She was annoyed at his face of sadness. He had no right to be sad, she had been willing to risk it all for him, and for what? Just for him to call her some stuck up Bridgerton girl.

"Eloise hello?" Elliot had been trying to get Eloise's attention for a minute now.

"Oh, I am so sorry my Lord. I was just absent minded thinking, you know."

Elliot shook his head, stopped dancing and pulled Eloise quickly outside before anyone could notice.

"We shouldn't be out here alone Lord Burton."

"Eloise, I have heard so many strange things about you, but none of these rumors mattered to me."

"We should not be out here Lord Burton. Neither of us want to get into any trouble."

She went to turn but Elliot quickly grabbed her hand, turned her around and kissed her. Eloise was completely taken back. She kissed him back because it felt like the right thing to do in the moment, but then she quickly pulled back.

"Eloise I-"

Before he could continue though Eloise cut him off. "I feel in love with a printer's boy last year and now he lives with us, and my best friend well ex best friend is Lady Whistledown, and I do not believe that you could love me, Lord Burton."

Elliot looked at her wide eyes, "well um, I don't know what to say to that, but I do know that despite what you think I am very much capable of falling in love with you, Eloise. Also, please stop calling me Lord Burton, it's Elliot."

Eloise smiled at him subtly, hoping she said the first part in her head.

Elliot then thought for a minute though, "Mr. Sharpe was the printing boy?"

She had thought too soon, she just nodded at him.

"That explains his unusual behavior the other day." Elliot said to himself before looking back at Eloise.

She nodded smiled and then looked back at him, "it's best we head inside before someone sees us."

Elliot nodded at her and the two hurried inside, it was too late though. Penople had already seen the two. 

Meanwhile inside Benedict had failed to say much to Eleanor, he was too busy watching Miss Chapman and Lord Bailey. After about half a hour of dancing though Eleanor expressed her fatigue and decided she would go sit with her mother. Deep down though she was tired of the awkwardness between her and Benedict. 

Benedict quickly tapped the shoulder of Lord Bailey and smiled at him.

"Arthur old friend mind if I steal Miss Chapman from you." He smiled while saying it, to make it seem as friendly as possible.

Dumb Arthur agreed, thinking Benedict meant no hard. Benedict quickly took Rose's hands.

"You keep following me Lord Bridgerton."

Benedict laughed, "I'm just doing the friendly gentleman thing."

Rose shook her head, "Where is Miss Eleanor, did you scare her off already."

"I would have you know things are going great with Miss Eleanor." This was a blatant lie. "And you Miss Chapman why would Lord Bailey give up your hand so easily?"

Rose let out a small smile, "He assumed you were doing the friendly think Lord Bridgerton, I would have you know that we are having great conversation." This was not a lie. 

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