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Imagine looking up at the sky when it's dark outside. You'll see lots of little lights twinkling above you. Some are big and bright, like stars, while others are smaller and dimmer. Sometimes, you might see a big round moon shining down on everything. The sky itself might look dark blue or black, with patches of lighter colors if there are clouds. It's like a beautiful painting that changes throughout the night. But today night was dark and cloudy but the moon was playing hide and seek with the earth

But jungkook doesn't has any time to look at the sky as he was too busy dragging taehyung out of the restaurant. Taehyung was fully drunk by now and was totally acting like a idiot. Jungkook was fully annoyed by taehyung behaviour but their was something else too which has already made him angry. "Kookie look at the moon!!", taehyung pointed out while looking up at the moon. "Yeah I look at it everyday what's new in that??", jungkook asked while coming closer to taehyung car. "Its pweety like chu!", taehyung started giggling. Jungkook cheeks was dusted with pink blush, he shrugged it off and started to find the keys of the car in Taehyung pockets.

After making taehyung ticklish for straight two mins, he finally got the keys. Open up car door for taehyung to get settled first and then he got back to driving seat. Getting seated he started to wonder what to do now. "Mr and Mrs kim today only came here from the business trip, jinie noona and namjoon hyung might went for their 'friday dates' and jimin was also came today. He might be exhausted from the trip and leaving taehyung there in the house is also doesn't sound promising. So should I take him to my house??", jungkook thought of train broke off when felt arms wrapping around his left forearm.

"What chu thinking??", taehyung question with drunk eyes looking at jungkook. "Nothing ", jungkook shrugged his arm away from taehyung making him pout. He dialed someone number.

Jinie noona dialing..........


"Hii kookie!!! How are you?? Have you eaten something???"

"Yes noona I did. And I am fit 'n' fine. How are you and namjoonie hyung?"

"We both are too good. Why did you called me so late kookie?? Is everything okay??"

"Y-yeah everything is fine here. Actually I called you because Mr Kim is going to stay at my house today as we are doing some presentation. So don't be worried."

"Oh okay.. Why didn't he called me?? This brat!!!"

"Oh no no actually he is in the washroom right now so I thought call you and he was also about to call you after but I thought that it's been while I talked to you so I called..."

"Aww my kookie, so sweet. Don't worry. And don't let him do the overwork and not you too. Okay??"

'I am the one who is doing the overwork here noona and that also without any salary' "Sure noona don't worry."

"Okay kookie take care.. bye!!"

"Bye noona", by saying this jungkook cutted the call. Taehyung who was listening to all this silently was trying to process this in his drunk brain. " Let's go Taehyung-ssi to my house. Fasten you seatbelt", jungkook announced while wearing his seat belt. Taehyung obeying jungkook tried to wear his seatbelt but due to the affects of alcohol his mind was not working right. He was just fumbling with the seatbelt and seeing taehyung failed attempts, a tired sigh left jungkook lips.

Jungkook signalled taehyung to stop what he is doing and leaned forward to fasten his seatbelt. But what he was not expecting was a peck on his cheeks from his drunk boss. Jungkook backed away with a shock face. Jungkook cheeks got tinted pink but taehyung was just chuckling. Suddenly anger took over jungkook, he harshly smacked taehyung arm making Taehyung to stop laughing and look at him with big almond eyes.

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