⁰⁰⁷ my girl

Start from the beginning

THE ROOM THROBS WITH the pulsating rhythm of the music, a lively beat that seems to reverberate through every corner. amidst the vibrant chaos, coraline is standing behind a table adorned with an array of colorful cups and bottles, each one brimming with an assortment of alcoholic beverages. she smiles to herself as partygoers swirl around her, their laughter and chatter melding seamlessly into the vibrant ambiance.

she has to admit that chris hadn't been wrong ― jake's party is pretty fun. despite her initial apprehension about attending, coraline finds herself getting caught up in the infectious energy of the room. it's a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds, a whirlwind of movement and emotion that sweeps her along in its wake.

she steals glances around the room, taking in the eclectic mix of people who have come together to celebrate, until her eyes fall on the large bowl of red punch at the end of the table. she giggles to herself as she takes a cup and walks over to the bowl, but just when she's about to dip it into the red liquid, it gets taken from her hands.

"hey!" coraline turns around angrily, looking up to an annoyingly familiar face. she frowns and narrows her eyes, "what the hell, chris?" she slurs as she tries to snatch the cup back from him.

but chris doesn't move, holding his arm high in the air with her cup in his hand. "i think you've had enough for now," he says.

coraline crosses her arms over her chest, not liking the way the boy literally just snatched her cup away from her.

"it's not nice to steal shit," she mumbles, her words slurring together.

chris rolls his eyes, his irritation matching hers. "i'm doing you a favor."

coraline's frown deepens, her frustration bubbling up as she sways unsteadily on her feet. "i don't need your favors, chris!" she retorts, her voice laced with defiance despite the haze of alcohol clouding her thoughts, "give me back my damn cup."

chris shakes his head, his grip on the cup tightening as he holds it just out of her reach. "not happening, evans," he replies firmly, smirk playing on his lips, "you're already stumbling all over the place, the last thing you need is more alcohol."

coraline scowls up at him, her gaze blazing with annoyance. with a frustrated growl, she lunges forward, attempting to snatch the cup back from his grasp, but chris effortlessly sidesteps her clumsy attempt, his smirk only growing wider.

"nice try," he taunts, his tone filled with amusement, "but i'm afraid you'll have to do better than that if you want your precious drink back."

coraline glares up at him, her cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment. she hates how effortlessly he always seems to get under her skin, how he always manages to stay one step ahead of her. 

it's really annoying, especially when she's trying to have some fun at a cool party and he's ruining it, again.

"you're so boring," she grumbles, "i'll just find someone who isn't as lame as you." 

and with those words, she turns on her heel and storms away, determined to find another way to salvage her evening ― away from chris. 

she weaves through the crowd, her eyes scanning the room until they land on a familiar face. 

she smiles to herself before she walks over to kenji beckham, flashing him a bright smile. when she's about two feet away from him, he recognizes her, and his face immediately lights up.

"cory?" he exclaims, "i didn't know you were coming?"

coraline's smile widens at kenji's recognition, the warmth of his greeting washing over her like a comforting embrace. 

𝗔𝗥𝗧 𝗗𝗘𝗖𝗢, chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now