Chapter 22: The Cave Queen Part 3

Start from the beginning

The Queen sighs, her grip on Long's arm tightening a little. Grey's voice asks, "Where do I...?" She is searching for a word.

Caldaren snaps his fingers, replying warmly, "Ah! Yep! In the top, here. This ring is a partial iris, to seal the uh... pod. It should allow insertion easily enough, and I can reduce pressure as needed."

"Would the hatchlings have to claw their way out? Normally, the hosts give live birth to the hatchlings. It's supposed to be rather painless. But, this material is quite thick."

The doctor replies, "Nope! Nice part about this is, we can open it in the lab and extract any hatchlings carefully, leaving the rest to keep incubating."

The Queen strokes the object affectionately. Caldaren offers, "We can open it enough for you to touch the liquid if you wish. Most of them are a nutrient bath of extremely basic amino acids, and one is just pure water. You can feel the temperature, too, though."

The Queen nods. She seems rather stunned that the humans made something so amazing so quickly. It's clear that, while very hopeful, the Queen was worried it was all an impossible dream. She inspects all six pods, asking for only one of them to be cooled down. Her comfort zone seems to be between eighty degrees and one hundred degrees, though she admits she's been less picky before.

The laying process is something else to behold. Plenty of the marines lost interest or were uncomfortable watching, and went elsewhere. But, Long found it strangely fascinating. And, she enjoyed seeing the gummy orbs with tiny lives forming within more clearly.

The Queen gambled her whole clutch, though. While she knows she'll have plenty more soon enough, she seems more at peace with the risks her brood faces as long as they are intentionally placed. It's as if, instinctively, she's okay with the risks as long as there's a chance, as opposed to the simple discarding of so many unlaid eggs.

The Queen admittedly looks much more slender almost instantly after, indicating her abdominal tissues are extremely elastic, and her organs can shift in her torso some. Relieved of the fear and desperation, the alien relaxes profoundly more, and she expresses countless thanks to the marines.

Kane then says, "Now, then, Cave Queen. We can teach you how to use this device if you prefer to stay on this world, but my understanding is that you weren't opposed to being uplifted."

Grey's voice replies gently, "You proved yourselves truthful. And, there appears to be nothing else for me on this world but awaiting death. I would be grateful to join you in the sky."

"Are you sure? We haven't hatched any yet. And, we can't stay long enough to ensure they will. If you come with us, we most likely won't be able to bring you back."

The Queen smiles, tenderly touching Chief Grey with another tentacle, and then Long with a third. "You have given me more now than I've ever had, humans. If you'll have me, I am certain my place is in the sky with you. That is the reason I alone survived. I MUST trust this sign."

Kane nods, "I understand. We'll gather what we can to ensure you have food and whatever else you need."

Grey's voice says, "I was told you seek the materials of this cave, yes? You have my full cooperation."

Kane nods. "Thank you. But, focus on gathering anything and everything you need or want; medicines, food, tools, and ESPECIALLY any seeds and mud you grow plants in, as well as breeding pairs of any animals, if any, that you eat. Anything you consider treasure. We'll bring some crates down and try to bring it all. We'll also make sure we can keep the plants alive before we leave, if we can."

The Queen asks through Grey, "You believe you are being pursued by enemy sky people?"

Kane nods, "That's correct."

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