"Why did you just watch?" the child take another step closer to him as he steps back to maintain their distance.

"No, I-"

"You'll just keep on staying on side to watch me suffer?"

"I'm not- stop!"

"How could you be so cruel."

His breathing is unstable as he tries to run away from tge kid. He keeps on backing off until he stumbled to a rock that made him fall down.

The kid stops right in front of him. The so called child started to change into a faceless man yet the intimidation didn't left. Nervous and feeling that he'll start to cry if he utters a word.

Without him knowing, his lips started to talk.

"I don't mean to be a bad kid, Dad I'm sorry! Please stop-"

*Ring *Ring *Ring *Ring----

I shoot my eyes open as the noise from my phone wakes me up from my sleep.

I'm thankful actually, that it wakes me up... But why and who the hell calls someone this late!

📞On Call📞


"How many are you?"

"Uhm.. Uh-"

"How many are you? The one I'll pick up, how manny are you."

"Uh- we're four- Hey get your shit together, man!-"

"I'll be there in an hour."

"Thank yo-"


As I was enjoying them being miserable earlier, I'm starting to hate it now... Wow we're fucked up.

A knock on door was heard then our door open. "Sir Aiku it is- Oh." It's the attendant from the entrance earlier. "Sir, are you sober?" The lady tried to talk to Aiku. I think its closing time already.

"Sir, do you want me to call Sir Yo-" Aiku didn't even let the lady finished and vomit to her clothes. "Yep, you'll be picked up... along with your friends."

She landed her eyes on me, seems like she noticed I'm sober enough for a conversation. I expected some question but all i get fron her was-

"Please call his brother to fetch you all. His name on his contacts is "Baby Brat" I'll call some guys to get you all out of here."

"I feel like we're getting kicked out." I slipped it out of my mouth without knowing. "Because you are." Keeping my mouth shut is better than anything, I swear.

Why do I have to suffer their embarrassment!!!

I don't know what to do, yes I'm sober but- to expect me that I'll do that.

My thoughts were interrupted when few guys come inside our room to drag all of us out.

Damn, talk about being too straight forward.

So now we are left here.... we literally got kicked out.

Aiku was lying on the floor, I remembered the stafs instructions about calling his brother. However, I also remember Aiku's words about his brother. How will I be able to call him.

Let the God decide my fate then.

I looked like someone who's robbing a drunk person. Honestly where did he put his- oh nevermind! Got it!

What is the name of- oh wow he has quite a few chick in line, huh. What was it again.... Oh this, "Baby Brat" lol, what a name.

I tapped the call button, it took a few rings before it was answered. Guess he was sleeping.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 08 ⏰

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