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Man where to even start. First things first, I'm Jaden Aka AngrySwan. I'm not the best when it comes to making notes like this but I'll try my best.

I try to stay as active as possible and have many different stories to choose from. Ranging from Spider-Man to random shit like Slime Rancher. My stories are usually made on anything when it comes to media, or just what I find cool. Probably why I have at least a new story every month. I'm flooding myself with books and ideas.

Most of the time you'll find me either playing games, writing, getting my brain fried off plants, or all three at the same time. Hopefully you guys enjoy mine and our friends work that is to come. We'll do our best to make these future stories enjoyable.

Now is the time I've waiting for. Self promo time. AngrySwan There is my page. Definitely should check me out. I most likely always have something in there to read. I hope at least. Also close to 300 followers, something I didn't think I'd close in on so fast.

Word of advice, do not follow Blanko or Mike. Mike is a swampy bum. That's it. For Blanko on the other hand. I have about 50 terms for that bozo. My third main one being crashout. Gotta stay strong on my hating game. 🙌🏽

For real though, those two are great writers, as well as everyone else in this group. So definitely give everyone a follow. But uhhh, that's all I have to say, love y'all, mwah!

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