Where are you?

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Terrance-It's been the third time I'm trying to call him, he doesn't respond...

Kate-He probably need time...

Terrance-You think that...?

Kate-You know Rowan, he love you very much, he probably doesn't want to hurt you...

Terrance-I don't know...

After what happened with my dad, I run to Kate's house, I told her what did happened, she called the police, they arrived quickly, Kate adopted me because I was now a orphan...and orphan without siblings, without a mom, without a dad...

It's been weeks since I haven't seen Rowan, apparently he doesn't go to work, me, Kate and Adam are worried about him, Mariah doesn't want to talk about him, she knew he was a good person, but she doesn't know if she could trust him anymore, but I  could. Me and Kate were trying for a week now to contact Rowan, but he doesn't respond to our messages or our calls, I don't believe he killed my dad...I can't believe it...I don't know what to do now...

After school, Me and Kate go to the Daycare together, Adam and Mariah were waiting for us. We enter in the center of this place.

Adam-Sup guys!

Kate-Hello Adam, how are you?

Adam-I'm fine for now, and you?

Terrance-We are fine...for now.

Kate-So, how was the kids today?

Mariah-They were okay.

Mariah sounded angry, I'm gonna try to calm her down.

Terrance-Um...Mariah...you're okay?

Mariah-I'm fine...why do you ask?

Terrance-Well, you sound angry...

Mariah-I am.

Kate-And why is that?

Mariah-Ah! Why do you ask?! I'm angry at Rowan of course.

Adam-Mariah, seriously, why are you still angry at him? Geez..


Kate-Mariah, we don't know if he did what we think right now, we are trying to find out, but you can't hate him right now, that doesn't make sense.

Adam-She has the point girl.

Mariah- You're crazy Kate...

Kate-Mariah, Rowan is our friend, he was nice to everyone, why can't you return the favor?

I stay silent, I didn't want to be part if this for now, I wanted to walk for a moment, I said:

Terrance-Hey, I'm gonna walk around for a moment, alright?

Kate-Okay, be careful though.

Terrance-I will.

I leave those three alone for a while, I walk around the Daycare, it wasn't changed a bit, it still the same, I walked in the hallway, the rooms haven't changed, the sleeping room has still 10 beds in total, the kitchen room has still 40 forks, spoons and knife, and the drawing hall was still the same, all the drawing of all the kids was still there.

I could recognize my draw I've made 2 years ago, It was for Rowan, I've draw him with a flower in his hand, I've spend, like, 1 hour on that draw, I recognize my little brother draw, it was for Adam and Kate, he made the two of them hugging Gus, I remember Kate's laugh when she saw the draw, and the confused face of Adam at that moment. I could recognize the draw my sister had made for Rowan, it was her and him on it, holding hands with a heart. I could recognize....wait...what are those draws?

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