7> escape

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Wrens pov:
Another strike to the face as my head hangs low. My wrists sore from the shackles on the wall. My face throbs as another kick is sent to my gut "tell us who you fight for!" " I already told you, I don't fight for anyone..." I choke out as the guard paces infront of me "did you or did you not fight for lord Robert de rune?" "I did." I grit my teeth at him as he crouches infront of my face "well done" he whispers. I  as a response "Let me out! Please!"" I yell at him. He wipes his face as he stands "you will talk...only a matter of time."  * I've told them what they wanted?* And with that he walks out. I try to stand but my ankles are to bruised to put any pressure on.

The cell door opens again and it's... Nicholas. I don't mean to but as he walks up to me "Wren Auclair, daughter of Claude Auclair and Elise Auclair..." my eyes widen as my jaw drops slightly "how-" "I know you, I was friends with your parents, how do you think they would feel... that their daughter is running around with the de runes. Not only. You ran to train under Robert de rune, what a shame he died to my blade. But you can change your fate." He says pointing his sword at my neck just barely grazing it. "What do you want" I groan "tell me, where are the de rune children?" "I don't know...I really don't" I say honestly. He unlocks the shackles on my wrists and I fall to my hands and knees.

I hate being this vulnerable, this weak. "Stand." He tells me, I try but stumble on myself and fall onto the wall, holding myself I look at him "what do you want from me." I plead "I want you to fight." Suddenly he chucks something at my feet. I look to the ground to see a bow? "What's this?" "Your weapon now" what "I want you to train with this" he says as he pulls out a bag of arrows and points to the walls with a marking x "practice shooting at that x we leave at first light" and with that he leaves. I grab an arrow and try to unlock the chain holding the cell shut but it doesn't fit.

What does he mean? Practice for what? How does he know my parents? Does he know where they are? Is he going to kill me? So many questions flood my head but one stays on the tip of my tongue, are Amecia and Hugo alive? What about Lucas? I pick up the bow and pull the string, then pick up an arrow and balance it on the bow. I pick my arms up and aim at the x, pulling the string back to my ear ignoring my ankles and the pain in my stomach. After 3 seconds I let go. *shit* I've got some practising to do I guess staring at the arrow on the floor that didn't even make it to the wall.


It's been hours and the rats have came, the only thing keeping me safe being the lantern hanging on the cell wall. Baring the pain all over my body I shot another arrow. It hit, bullseye. Every arrow after that. Bullseye. I collected the not damaged arrows and put the bow down. I sit down in the corner under the light to guarantee my safety as I curl up and hug my legs, closing my eyes letting my thoughts drift to poor Hugo and what Lucas said about the prima macula? And then to amecia...

Amecias pov:
We walk down to get in the boat at melie cranks back the handle with Lucas' help and let's go once me and Hugo are sat. "Wow!" Hugo says looking over the edge of the boat "I can't see any fish" "ohh that's because of the monster." I tease "what! A monster?" "Of course! The underground lakes are magical... huge ancient monsters hide in their depths and watch out there very hungry." "No they're not and if there were monsters we'd see big bubbles" "haha you got me!" " mummy used to say monsters were just that thing to... those things to..." "those things to which we have never given a name, she told me that to!" "I would quite like to see a monster actually..." " right this is where we get off" I say helping Hugo out the boat "owww that was to quick" he says "I know but it's someone else's turn"

I crank the wheel to send the boat back to Lucas and melie and shout for them to get on. Once they are I let go and we wait for them to get here. Once they are we go through the door till we reach what Lucas said was an alchemists invention to keep the rats away. Once we figure out how to use it we carry on until we reach the castle "woah..." I say "look! We found it we found the castle!" Hugo says. After a treacherous long journey and fighting all those soldiers, rats , we're finally here. We find our way round and at last enter the castle courtyard. Another alchemists mechanism with braziers to keep the rats away. Once me and melie solve it we head out of the rain inside the castle.

The fire crackles "yes come over to the fire to warm up" Lucas calls "it's huge" Hugo says looking around "we'll have time to explore tomorrow. This is our home now." I say sitting infront of the fire,


Hugo's pov:
I wake up and turn hearing Amecia mumbling and whimpering in her sleep "Amecia... Amecia " I say shaking her awake

Amecias pov :
I wake up with Hugo infront of me "you were having a bad dream" he says "oh your awake already" "yes I found lots and lots and lots of things already!" I stretch as he runs off. What a strange dream? Scary even. Wren walking side by side with Nicholas... towards me. I run after Hugo as he shows me the laboratory Lucas found and set up. I pass him the things he asks for and he mixes them which makes smoke explode from the pot "woah your a real alchemist now" Hugo says "that wasn't supposed to happen..." Lucas mumbles. Before I can say anything hugo has ran of again calling for me to follow him.

We reach a tree and I hang my necklace on there for my parents. Hugo sing also for me to pick him up and I do as he also hangs his necklace on the tree branch. Not long after he's off again. We make it outside to a bridge between watch towers and Hugo leans over the edge and screams his little heart out "come on amecia!" I stand behind him as we both scream "AHHHH!" AAAAAAH!" " having fun fun are we? I'm sure the inquisition are to" melie! We'd thought you'd gone " "come on... we need to talk"

I follow her to some steps " what's the matter?" "This castle is a ruin... and that's exactly what you need, whoever built this place really didn't want to be fucked with. Be good and you'll be fine." "So you're going to find Arthur? If I can help-" "he's my brother, you should think about looking for your friend, might be where Arthur is at the bastion. I'll find him" "amecia look!" Hugo calls "listen with hugo, it doesn't look easy but it's worth it, he'll save you." Melie Carries on. "They always end up saving us, even if sometime you want to kill them" "anyway don't leave with ought saying goodbye!" I say to her before walking to hugo.

While exploring hugo gets distracted by some flowers and bends to pick them up. Lucas appears behind and I say "it's getting bigger" looking at the black veins on the back of Hugo's neck "yes the macula is spreading through his blood" he explains Hugo's thresholds and tells me hugo has very little time. Also tell me to make the elixir to slow his process the information is hidden in a book but the journey to get the book is basically suicide.

So I speak to melie and we're both leaving in 1 hour. Apparently the book is held where Arthur is as well.

Learning something about wren, it's really messy now but it will come together I promise

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