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──────═❀═──────『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟐𝟏 』──═❀═──━『 Third Exam 』

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『 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝟐𝟏 』
『 Third Exam 』

Gaara reappeared beside Temari and Kankuro, casting an ominous shadow over the arena as the last match began. Choji versus Zaku. Suffice it to say, the match concluded almost as quickly as it began.

"Hmm, well, then, at this juncture, the preliminaries for the third exam are officially concluded!" Hayate's voice echoed through the arena.

All the successful Genin assembled in a line, anticipation palpable as Lord Third stepped forward to address us. "Commencing now, I shall provide the particulars for the finals," Lord Third announced.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of relief at the prospect. If I'm being candid, all this has been rather tedious, and I could think of far more engaging ways to spend my time.

Lord Third continued his voice commanding attention, "As previously stated, the final round of battles will be conducted in full view of the audience. Each of you serves as a representation of your respective lands' battle prowess, and we expect you to demonstrate and fully exhibit your diverse talents. Thus, the finals shall commence one month from this very moment!"

Lord Third's explanation brought a mixture of confusion and realization to the assembled Genin. Naruto's outburst reflected the sentiments of many, seeking clarity amid the uncertainty.

"We're not proceeding right here, right now?" Naruto exclaimed.

Lord Third's response was measured, "We refer to this as the requisite preparation period."

Neji's inquiry followed, "What exactly does that entail?"

"It's a timeframe designated for us to relay the results of the preliminaries to the leaders and shinobi heads of each respective land. Additionally, it serves as a period for you applicants to ready yourselves," Lord Third elucidated.

Kankuro's frustration was evident, "And what does that mean, exactly?"

Lord Third elaborated, "During this interval, you can analyze the data gathered on your opponents during the preliminaries, utilizing it to enhance your chances of success. While the preceding battles were genuine, they were conducted under the presumption of facing an 'unknown adversary'. However, the finals present a different scenario. Some may have revealed the extent of their abilities, while others may find themselves nursing injuries from formidable opponents. To ensure fairness, we afford you this month. It's an opportunity to train diligently, acquire new techniques, and, of course, recuperate."

Curiosity flooded my thoughts as I pondered the prospect of learning new techniques. While I hadn't divulged all my tricks during the skirmish with Raiden, the notion of further instruction from Kakashi sparked anticipation.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 || 彼の目 ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora