Whispers of the Forgotten : Unvieling school's secret

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TW: suicide, swearing ,mentions of death i think that's it if anything triggers you please leave for your own good

Ryan POV:

Today me and the boys decided to take a look around this abandoned  high school we saw when we we're looking for a nearby Taco Bell earlier. It wasnt that big and we were sure it was abandoned. We've spoken to the owner and got the permisssion to stay there plus they gave us the keys to some parts of the buildings that we're closed of so we were pretty lucky. Though nobody knows why this school got closed but what we found out was that it was pretty recent. This school got closed in 2022 which was just 2 years ago. Tonight our goal is to find out why the school got closed down and if there's actually any spirits. Which the owner said that there happened some paranormal things but they never wanted to investigate more. In the police records about this place there also wasn't written any reason for this school to close down btw so time for the investigation. 

3rd person POV:

As they were on their way to the school a certain ghost  called y/n was just playing around with other ghosts . They were playing hide and seek until some heard a car stop nearby the school. Y/n went to check it out to the window and saw 3 people  and a wave of deja vu hit him. He thought they were really familiar ( he was their fan before he died). Yet he couldn't remember why .

After the intro to their video

Wyatt POV :

I was just explaining to the camera that we basically have no idea why this close down and if it's even haunted.  When suddenly we heard footsteps and all of us got  frozen because the footsteps were right behind us with no one there. "Hello ? Is anyone there ?" Ryan asked and there was a knock for an answer. Immediately all of us were excited for this ghost hunt as no one ever explored this and recorded it. River set up some of our equipment and we already started getting words from the app on River's phone. 

Ryan : Guys this is crazy 

River : for real

app : Hello

Wyatt : Hello. What's your name?

app : Y/n

Ryan: Nice to meet you Y/n. I'm Ryan that's my twin brother River and our best friend Wyatt

app: 2021

River: What happened in 2021

app: death 

Ryan: did they die in 2021?

Wyatt: well it sure sounds like it

app: I did

Ryan: How did you die?

app: self inflicted

Wyatt: oh.. guys do you think we should look up their name ? maybe there'll be any records from the past 

River : sure we could try maybe we'll learn something about them

3rd person POV:

And so Wyatt started looking for some information on the internet and at first he couldn't find anything but then he saw an article talking about a student taking their own life at this school and nobody finding out until weeks later. At first y/n has been missing since February 8th 2021 and was found already dead on 28th February. "And when did the school get closed again Wyatt ?" River asked and before Wyatt could answer from River's phone could be heard "2022". Wyatt snickered " Welp, he answered faster than i could." 

Ryan POV:

"If he was found dead here how come they didn't find him sooner. Wouldn't the dead body smell?  Or maybe he died only few days before they found him. But then again where would he hide if there was police looking for him everywhere. " so many questions were going through my head yet no one could answer them anymore as only person who knew the answers was Y/n and im not even sure if he remembered everything from the past. 

This was supposed to be a oneshot but I got completely mentally exhausted so now im splitting it into two chapters if i'll manage if not there'll be even more. Thank you for reading this (word count : 650+). If you have any idea how i should continue this let me know and if you want then give me ideas for different books i could write in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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