S1-E9: Battle of the Humungonauts

Start from the beginning

Even in the Mystery Machine, he's still crying while on the way to the destroyed Tiki Tub. Fred: "It's me, isn't it. I said something that hurt his feelings, didn't I?" Nakala: "I get the feeling the secret relationship between Shaggy and Velma has finally been exposed and he's just not taking it well." Velma: "More like Shaggy worded it wrong and Scooby's just being a big baby about it. Right, Shaggy?" Shaggy: "Uh, if by big baby, you mean "the best darn grown-up pup ever", then yes, absolutely." "[-_-'] Way to be optimistic. [looks ahead] Whoa. That place really did get destroyed." he says as the van stops in front of what's left of he Tiki Tub. Nakala gets out of the vehicle first, clearly not wanting to deal with their problem right now. He just had a feeling they weren't in the mood to investigate. Fred: "Well, here we are. [looks back] I guess we should get out. ...[looks back ahead] Or not. ...It's a pretty good view from here." Eventually, the gang gets out of the Mystery Machine to join Nakala in the search. Scooby: "[mutters to himself] Gave him the best years of my life." Daphne: "Wow. This place really got worked." she says as she takes a picture. Nakala: "It's a shame. I was gonna bring my siblings here for nice relaxation. Not anymore." Shaggy: "Hoo hoo. Yeah. Like, this whole place got flattened like a pancake. And speaking of pancakes, Oh, boy. I sure could go for a big stack covered with clams and syrup at the clam cabin, right, Scoob?" Scooby: "Choke on it!"

Sheriff: "Well, well, look what the talking dog dragged in." The others look over to see the sheriff, and Nakala is obviously not happy, knowing he's gonna want them to leave. Fred: "We're just trying to help, Sheriff." Sheriff: "You're help no need here. No. This was just your normal, everyday nightclub stuff. And so, skedaddle." Velma: "From what we've heard, whatever did this was big, green, and hairy, but definitely not normal." she says as she holds a piece of the green fur. Nakala: "An overgrown mutant ape??" Rusty: "I just hope that thing sticks around and does some more stomping. I could use the business. [laughs]" he says before walking away. Nakala: "If that doesn't make him sound suspicious, I don't know what does." he says as he writes this down. Fred: "Got any theories on what of beast did this, Sheriff?" Nakala: "You're asking him?" Sheriff: "Actually, what Nakala said was pretty close to the description of this thing. But I think the beast can only be a completely new and as-yet undiscovered monster. And as the beast discoverer, I have decided to call it a humongonaut, from the Latin term for big and hairy space traveler." Shaggy: "Space traveler?" "The green fur is the main clue. It's them outer space gamma rays." Nakala: "*He's so making this up.*" "I'll tell you what: We're lucky there's only one. Can you imagine if two of those ding-dang beasties showed up?" As luck would have it, a similar roar to last night was heard and everyone looks over at the "Wigs" shop. All the windows broke at once and a red humungonaut broke through the building and roared again. Shaggy: "Zoinks. [scared giggle] Like, it's a red one!" Everyone goes to hide as the red humungonaut starts destroying the building. Velma: "Well, so much for luck."

Night time came and the gang is currently at K-Ghoul where Angel is playing Trinny's new best hit. Trinny: "🎶The words get stuck in my throat.🎶" Angel: "Yes, yes, yes, my babies. That was Crystal Cove's very own Trinny Lee with her new smash hit "The Words Get Stuck In My Throat." Angel Dynamite's going to be back right after this brief commercial message." Ka-boom, babies." Guy: "Hey, Crystal Cove! If you need insurance, you need to talk to Jax Minner, your insurance specialist!" Angel opens the door to see her friends, including Nakala's siblings, just sitting or standing around. Angel: "So a pair of beast men attack the town, and you kids are moping? What's up, huh? This kind of stuff usually gets y'all all hot and bothered." Velma: "I'll tell you what's up. We need to clean up our emotional mess before we start acting like a team again." Daphne: "Our family always has a pow wow when we have problems." Angel: "A pow wow?" "For instance, every time mother starts sleeping in the back yard tree house, we hire a doctor or somebody else with authority to help us work things out. Then we lock her away for a few months." Charlotte: "Girl, that is just weird. And so is your family." Nakala: "Yeah, we are not doing that." Fred: "Well, I think I have a solution for us." Nakala: "Ah, hell."

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