1st day

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Itan high school, is a school where.. uhh.. oh um pretty..  different people go to. (not special, iykyk) so people who see themselves as legends, or people with quirky-- you get it.

walking in
my locker is.. oh there!
"if this is your locker, we must be classmates! good mor-"
how do I respond to him??!!
"h-h-h-h-h- runs away"
I was too scared to talk, why did I just run?! I seem like a horrible person to him now.
class 1-1
My first year of high school.
how do I make friends here? hold on.. that guy I spoke with.. i-i-i-is next to me? he's probably gonna think of leaving the school!
what- why are there cameras? microphone?! is this school so rare to get into that people are recording themselves in it maybe showing their luck?
cameras, microphones pointing to komi
finally, the teachers here!, those microphones and cameras scared me.
'ok class, let's all introduce ourselves"
"i-i-i I'm hhhhimiko a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a agari"
"hehe, agari! your so.. agari-sive!! "
people here sound nice. I hope they are nice.!
it was my turn to introduce. I can't speak how can I do this
eyes meet with the chalkboard
I walked up to the chalkboard and wrote my name

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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