𑁍𝗦𝗮𝗺 𝗚𝗼𝗹𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗵~𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝗻𑁍

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I couldn't contain my excitement as we pulled up to the Mission Inn. The thought of spending the night at such a historic and possibly haunted place sent shivers down my spine. I was holding Sam's hand tightly as we walked into the lobby with Colby, Corey, and my brother Jake beside us.

"What's up guys, its Sam and Colby, and today we're at the Mission Inn, with none other than Jake, Corey and Y/N." Colby introduced the video, as we checked in at reception. We were told we're not aloud to record in the building, but that wouldn't stop us from recording when no one else was around.

Once we checked in and made our way to our room, Corey immediately noticed the disarray. "Guys, look at this! The robes are on the floor, and the pillow is on the floor too," he exclaimed, pointing out the strange occurrences.

We all sat down on the couch, setting up our cameras to record our investigation of the hotel's history. As we were talking, the light in the room next to us started flickering, causing all of us to jump up in surprise.

"Whoa, the the fuck, unplug it Sam!" Colby shouted as Sam quickly went over and unplugged it, making sure it wouldn't startle us again.

Colby and Jake then noticed a little stairwell that was locked. "Why would that be locked, it's in our room?" Corey questioned, and without hesitation, Colby climbed over the gate and Sam handed the camera to Colby. Jake followed, as him and Colby started to climb up the steps. I was eager to explore as well, but Sam was quick to protest.

"Y/N, please don't go over. You know you're accident-prone," he pleaded, worry evident in his voice. He's right, I was always getting injured, due to my clumsy ass, but that never stopped me doing crazy stunts like this.

I reassured him, "I'll be fine, Sam. Trust me."

"Come on little sis, we don't have all day." Jake said as he picked me up in his arms and carried me over the gate, much to Sam's dismay, as I giggled, then Jake finally put me down on the steps. I could feel his eyes on me as I joined Colby and Jake on the other side.

We found a locked door and a locked window, so we made our way to the balcony on the stairwell. It overlooked the two king-sized beds in our room below.

"There's a door and a window but they're both locked." I explained, as Colby climbed over the balcony rail, and then took the daring leap, jumping onto one of the beds. Jake climbed over the rail, then eased himself down into Corey's arms, making hs all laugh. I hesitated for a moment, but the thrill of the adventure pushed me to climb over the railing.

"Y/N, be careful! I don't want to take you to the hospital for the 2nd time this month!" Sam shouted as I leaped from the metal balcony. I thought I would hit the floor, but Sam caught me, my arms wrapping around his neck, my kegs around his waist as he held the underneath  of my thighs.

"I told you! That could of ended badly Y/N." Sam said, as he set me down onto the floor. I kissed his cheek to calm his nerves, as we all went outside to get food from a nearby vending machine. It was pretty crazy going back to our room, as we saw a man in a tuxedo, with no trousers on, which was weird but funny.

Later that night, we all settled in the room for some rest. Jake fell asleep on one bed, wrapped up in the duvet, Corey crashed out on the ottoman at the end of Jake's bed, and me, Colby and Sam on the other bed with their faces buried in their phones. I snuggled up to Sam, resting on his lap, with my head on his shoulder and my arms around his waist, as he rubbed my back.

Suddenly, Sam's backpack fell off the ottoman, startling us all awake.

"Y/N, angel, get up!" Sam said, as I got off of his lap, tired and groggy from the scary event that had just occured. I could feel the tension in the room as Corey suggested we leave, shaken by the unexplained events. Sam and Colby were hesitant to give up so easily, wanting to continue the investigation.

"Jake, man wake up, we're going!" Colby said, as he harshly shook Jake awake.

Confusion clouded my mind as I had just woken up, unsure of what to believe. After a few moments of discussion, we decided to pack up and head to the car to regroup and figure out our next move. We all left the room, as Sam held my hand. We returned the room key and went to the parking lot, where my car was.

As we sat in the car, surrounded by the darkness of the early hours of the morning, we discussed our experiences and debated whether to continue our investigation or call it quits. Sam held my hand tightly, his eyes filled with determination and concern for all of our safety. We decided to end the video there, saying how we could return in the future someday, and then we drove to the nearest hotel, to stay there until the sun came up.

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