Fenris and Tor's Blessings...

26 1 3

(3rd person POV)
In a field of bright red poppies a white wolf lays sleeping...

The wolf stirs in  her sleep as she hears her name being called, but she doesn't wake.

The white she wolf finally wakes.
She jumps awake and looks around startled.

(Larkas POV)
I jump awake to the sound of my name being yelled. I look around startled, looking for  whoever said my name but I see no one. I start to lay back down when the voice starts to speak again.(Larka...)
Wh-who are you?
What do you want with me?
(Larka its me Fenris)

What where are you where am I??

(Larka you are in the field of dreams) ( You are safe Larka but I need to talk to you though you aren't able to see me, because if you do see me you won't be able to go back to the land of the living)
What?... Why are you talking to me, why am I in the field of dreams?

(You are here because you died)

(Larka I have come to tell you, you need to go back to the land of the living...)
(It wasn't you're time to go, so I'm here to send you back)

(Author's Note)

Hi guys its me sarahxwilliams13
Please vote and leave me comments.  I'm an aspiring author and would love to get some feed back from you guys. It would be awesome if you guys could give me some ideas. Also tell me if you want me to continue the story or not. Thanks until next time...
*Also this ( ) means Fenris is speaking, and this { } means Tor is speaking, just so no one reading will get confused as to who is speaking* Also Fenris is male and Tor is female....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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