Chapter 132 Luoluo, why are you acting like a baby?

  "The last one of us to arrive will be punished~"

  He Wei was dressed in a blue formal suit, with a gentle smile, like the spring breeze blowing on his face in March.

  However, in the eyes of the four A01 students, this smile was full of conspiracy.

  No wonder Gong Luoluo smiled so...with bad intentions just now?

  Song Chuge lowered his head and smiled, his eyes sparkling.

  "This student, smiling so happily, must be ready to start our big adventure, right?"

  He Wei looked at Song Chuge with a smile and invited her to the T stage.

  Chu Ge's brain is still a little down, what?
  Big, big adventure?

  Chu Ge finally came to his senses. His cold face looked a little confused, soft and cute.

  No, how come she was pulled down on the stage and punished?


  Unlike the three girls who were obediently invited to the stage, Uncle Liu Xindi turned around and ran away like a burst of smoke.

  "Hey! Liu Xindi ran away!" someone yelled.

  It's a pity that no matter how hard Liu Xindi runs, she can't escape the grasp of the show crew.

  In the end, she was followed by the photography guy and had to resign herself to the stage.

  Pei Qi and Gui Yuan looked at her, snickered and shook their heads.

  Cindy Liu looked hopeless.

  If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have delayed it! It's all her own fault!

  "Chu Ge! Chu Ge! Chu Ge!"

  The students sat down on the benches on both sides one after another, cheering. At the same time, the staff also brought them small blankets to cover their legs and gave them to the four who were going to be punished. Handed over the microphone.

  "How do you think we should punish them one by one?"

  "What big adventure would it be better for each of us to take?"

  This time it was really over...

  Liu Xindi slowly opened her narrow eyes and inadvertently looked at her former teammates. Wei Tian and Yan Canni's eyes flashed strangely, secretly thinking that it was not good.

  These two people are definitely going to punish her!
  Yan Canni: Liu Xindi, face the wind! Hiahiahia!

  Liu Xindi: ...嘤嘤嘤, please let me go.

  "Teacher He, I want to see Chu Ge act coquettishly!"

  Suddenly, an unknown student stood up and yelled.

  Gong Luoluo's eyes suddenly lit up like light bulbs, and the corners of her mouth curved.

  Hehehe, this is a good punishment~

  It was the first time Song Chuge was in front of the camera, his clear eyes widened in obvious panic.

  Act like a baby! ?

  No no no! impossible!
  She, Song Chuge, doesn't know how to act coquettishly!
  She has lived for such a long time, and it seems that she

  has also acted coquettishly?

  A handsome face flashed through his mind. Chu Ge lowered his eyes, with longing flowing in his eyes.

  "Chu Ge! Acting like a spoiled brat! Chu Ge! Acting like a spoiled brat!" The students laughed and cheered.


  He Wei smiled at the girl who asked the question, raised the microphone, and asked, "Why? Why do you want Chu Ge to act like a baby? Zhixi, can you tell me the reason?"

  The staff quickly handed over the microphone. Li Zhixi just stood up to speak.

  She is the daughter of a famous actress.

  Li Zhixi didn't expect He Wei to cheat on her. Holding the microphone in one hand and the blanket in the other, she stood up shakily.

  "Because..." Li Zhixi smiled shyly and said, "Actually, Chu Ge and I have never spoken."

  "Then, I am particularly curious about her. Often, when I see her in the cafeteria or pass by, I feel that she has never spoken. She doesn't even smile, she's very cold."

  "So I really want to see what she looks like when she acts coquettishly..."

  "Well, that's it."

  After Li Zhixi explained, she returned the microphone to the staff. , sat down again and covered the blanket on his legs.

  When she met Song Chuge's gentle gaze, her heart froze and she swallowed her saliva.

  Will she make Song Chuge unhappy? But looking at Song Chuge's appearance, it seemed that he didn't blame her...

  Li Zhixi patted her chest lightly and breathed a sigh of relief.


  Looking at the long-haired girl, Song Chuge had tall eyebrows and a helpless smile, with a hint of loneliness twinkling in her hazy moon-like eyes.

  This is her protective color.

  Just when Song Chuge didn't know how to respond, an idea suddenly flashed in his heart.

  The girl's clear eyes flickered, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

  "But, I don't know how to act coquettishly..." Song Chuge raised the microphone, scratched his head shyly, and looked at He Wei, who was smiling softly.

  He Wei listened to Song Chuge's words attentively, and wanted to help her out kindly, but before he could say anything, the girl on the stage turned to look at the audience.

  Song Chuge looked at Gong Luoluo, who was smiling with a proud face, innocently showing off his face, with a touch of endearment lingering on his lips, he prolonged his voice and asked in a soft voice: "Luoluo, do you know how to act coquettishly... ?"

  Gong Luoluo was still a little confused when she heard Song Chuge slowly calling her name.

  However, when she heard the whole question, the sweet smile on her delicate face suddenly froze like a wood carving.

  "Oh ho ho!"

  The students' expressions became more excited, and the cheers became more and more enthusiastic.

  Only Guiyuan's mouth was slightly pouted, and her heart felt a little blocked as if there were pebbles hitting it.

  "Luoluo, show Chu Ge how to act coquettishly!"

  "Luoluo! Luoluo! Luoluo!"

  He Wei listened to the unanimous shouts of the students, his eyes fell on Song Chuge's profile, and he chuckled silently.

  So that was her purpose?

  Want others to act coquettishly like her?
  But, why is it her Gong Luoluo?


  Miss Gong Luoluo hesitated and stood up as excited as lightning. Her bright almond eyes flashed with a trace of grievance and anger as she stared at Chu Ge.

  She wasn't the one who asked Song Chuge to act like a spoiled brat!
  She is just a theatergoer!

  It must be Song Chuge! Just because she said Song Chuge's skirt looked like pajamas, she held a grudge in her heart! snort! This stingy guy!

  Song Chuge: I simply wanted to see my sister act coquettishly~
  To be honest, at that time, when I saw Shen Yue Chuo acting cutely and naturally, Song Chuge still felt a little uncomfortable.

  After all, she is Gong Luoluo's legitimate sister-in-law! Song Chuge quickly put away the disgusting disappointment in his eyes, and became tinged with love again.

  But it doesn't matter, the future is still long.

  She and Gong Luoluo had plenty of time to get along.

  Maybe in the end, she can debut with Luoluo.

  More importantly, it seemed that after watching Gong Luoluo act coquettishly towards her, she could imagine the normal relationship between her sister and her Mr. Gong.

  This is what Song Chuge is most curious about.

  At this time, Liu Xindi quietly came to Chu Ge, secretly gave her a thumbs up, and whispered: "Yao Meier, this is a good move!"

  Chu Ge smiled, and Liu Xindi didn't know that she had raised her thumbs up. His thumb had already fallen into the beautiful apricot eyes of Miss Luoluo, who had a vision of 5.2, causing a wave of waves.

  Ming Guiyuan looked at Liu Xindi's hoof naturally resting on Song Chuge's shoulder, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  "I won't!"

  Gong Luoluo's voice was sweet, and she answered cleanly and confidently.

  "Song Chuge is the one who is being punished, why do you need me to set an example!"

  Gong Luoluo proudly raised his hands and folded them in front of his chest. He looked at Liu Xindi with crooked eyebrows on the stage, and suddenly a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. , raised his eyebrows and said: "Actually, I think..."

  Liu Xindi looked towards the source of the sound, subconsciously suppressed a smile and swallowed.

  Why did she want to sneeze inexplicably...

  "How about..."

  "Let Liu Xindi give Chu Ge a demonstration!?"

  "Ahhhh! Yes, yes, yes!"

  The crowd suddenly said "Cindy diehard ( "hei) fans" became excited.

  (End of chapter)

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