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Third Person's POV

Raven has been contacting her Father, Sirius Black for the past week, now they were sitting on top of the astronomy Tower, nobody would go there since...its high up.

"Lemon Scones are my favorite, Your Mother, Alice would gift me them." Sirius smiles as Raven nods, "Me too, i like Scones."

Sirius can see How much Raven resemblences Alice but mostly, The Beauty belongs to Sirius's Perfectly good genes.

"Is my Mother..a Rosier?" Raven asks, Sirius thinks for a half minute. "Yes, but she then changed it to 'Avery' since she did not like Being in the Rosier Family, And the Averys are her cousins." He explained, Raven smiles.

"Anyways, Catch up on your Love life." Sirius said, Raven widens her eyes, she then smiles.

"Well, i met this Boy–"

"Is it Harry?"

Raven shakes her Head, In no. "No, He's just a friend, But This boy from Huffleluff, He's sweet, Kind, and Tall, He's in his 4th year, His name is Cedric Diggory."

Sirius raises an eyebrow. "A diggory?, well, back in my day, Diggory was mostly against James, cannot know."

Sirius chuckles, "anyways, when i entered Hogwarts, 1st year, I first saw your Mother, Alice, I fell inlove."

"Sure, your mother was a Brilliant and well..Beautiful witch, She was a Slytherin, a Prefect too, Smart and very Incredible."

Sirius then pauses, "And after 8th year, we got married, Then we di–"

Raven stops him from that Part, "alright, i know, But just skip it, You had me."

Sirius nods, "yep, me and your mother had you after a few months.."

He then pause, Leaning his back on the astronomy's cold wall.

"Say, Did Dumbledore gave you your Ability?"

Raven nods, "yes, I'm a different type of a Metamorphmagus."

Sirius nods, Raven's hair then turns Yellow and it stood up, She was a different type of Metamorphmagus, the type to only change forms and Hair Color and Hair Appearance, Change Height, Age and eye color only.

"Your hair." Sirius chuckles, Raven quickly puts her hair down, it then turn into the color Light green in Embarrassment.

"Touché.." Sirius mutters.

Timeskip to The Tree part:

Raven follows The Black shabby dog who's Dragging Ron to the hole under the Whimping Willow.

"Ron!" Raven shouts as she goes under the Hole, following him.

They went out of the hole, now in the Shrieking Shack, The dog turns into Sirius, now dragging Ron upstairs, Raven following.

"Raven!, Its him!, Sirius Bla–" Raven puts her hand on Ron's mouth, making him shut up. "Sirius..."

"Child, is your friend that loud?" Sirius asks, Raven nods, Ron was now confuse.

"Okay, ron, let me explain." Raven starts, "so, I'm not a Malfoy, i'm a Black–"

Ron widens his eyes, "WHAT?!" He whimpers as his pet rat, Scabbers is on his hands, whimpering too.

Then, Harry and Hermione came, and went to Ron and Raven, "its him!"

Ron points to Sirius, Harry and Hermione looks behind them, Seeing Sirius Black.

Hermione gets behind Harry, "if you have to kill Harry, you have to kill us too!" Hermione shouts.

"No, only one will die tonight." Sirius said as Harry charges at him, "And it'll be YOU!!"

Ms. Black or Mrs. Potter? ^^ H.J.PWhere stories live. Discover now