With the Miles situation, she never wanted to break up, but she felt like she needed to. She felt as if she was holding him back from finding his "true love". She didn't want to be selfish, so she let him go.

Jonah took a deep breath. It's been a while since she thought about the things that had happened in the past.

Her playlist didn't make the atmosphere any better. Blue Hair by TV Girl was playing and Jonah couldn't help but to feel like crying.

She hated how Miles liked Gwen. She hated how his romantic feelings for her shifted and instantly went to Gwen. She hated how Gwen suddenly showed up and took somebody who made her feel good about herself.

She looked in her car mirror and looked at her hair.

Gwen was blonde, and so was she.

"There's really no way of winning, cause in their eyes, you'll always be a dumb blonde.", the lyrics played in Jonah's ear.

Jonah gripped the steering wheel right as ever, she looked out the window and saw a Dollar General ahead. She sped up and turned quickly into the store.

She parked the car and angrily sped-walked into the store. She went into the beauty isle, and layed her eyes on some red hair dye. She instantly picked up two boxes and payed for them.

She sped all the way to Trinity's house.

She knocked on the door, and greeted mama Williams and went upstairs to Trinity's room.

"Trin! I need you to dye my hair, right now.", Jonah demanded as she threw bag that contained the box dye at Trinity's head.

"Woah there...why?? You didn't even want me dying your hair blonde, and now you want me to dye it again.", A bewildered Trinity as she caught the bag before it could hit her head. She felt like something was off with Jonah.

"It reminds of Gwen.", Jonah grumbled as she grabbed a towel out of Trinity's closet, and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Alright, but can I atleast leave a skunk stripe of blonde?", Trinity asked. She oddly understood Jonah. She didn't judge the girl.

Jonah nodded her head, she didn't care as long as she wasn't like Gwen.

They both walked into Trinity's bathroom, where Trinity instantly began to apply the dye to most of Jonah's head.

"Listen Jonah, I love you and all, but you seriously have got to stop about things that Gwen have that you do.",
Trinity truthfully told her best friend.

Trinity was so fed up at this point. Everything that Jonah and Gwen had alike, Jonah hated and wanted to change about herself. She didn't even want to get an eyebrow piercing when Trinity suggested it due to Gwen having one. She had gotten a belly piercing and a tattoo behind her ear with Peter's name and his signature spider mask, to honor him.

And now, Jonah was changing her blonde hair that Trinity basically begged her to get, all because Gwen had blonde hair.

"I just can't help it, I don't even know why I get so upset.", Jonah frustratedly said as she huffed.

"Maybe you're just jealous.", Trinity came the that conclusion.

Jonah has felt jealous before, but never to this extent, she hated the feeling of wanting to rip Gwen Stacy apart. She hated not enjoying her life fully because of the things her and Gwen had similar.

"I guess but-No Jonah! You need to get a grip, and let the jealousy go.", Trinity harshly said as she cut the younger one off.

Jonah felt hurt, but she knew Trinity was right. She knew the girl was brutally honest, no matter what the situation was.

Jonah just sighed and went quiet after that.

The two didn't even utter a single word during the whole process. Even when they let the dye sit in Jonah's hair, the two were on their phone, refusing to speak to each other.

After blow drying her newly dyed red hair with a blonde skunk strip in the middle, she grabbed her things and was ready to walk out of her best friend's bedroom. She felt a hand grab her arm, and it was none other than Trinity.

"Look Jonah, I understand that I came off as harsh, but you need to accept reality, and truly let the jealousy go.", Trinity sighed. Jonah knew that Trinity only wanted what was best for Jonah. After all, Trinity was older by a year, she had more knowledge than Jonah with this kind of situation anyway.

"I know, but it's so hard, I see her at the headquarters or with Miles every time I see her and it's just gets me heated.", Jonah confessed as she held her head down.

Trinity lifted up her best friend's head and said, "I know, it's going to be hard, but just try to forget about this jealousy and love freely".

"Okay.", Jonah mumbled before she hugged Trinity and exited the bedroom and then the house.

Jonah now was ready to let all of that jealously dye down. She doesn't know how, but all she knew, is that she's very determined.

heyy yall !!!!

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heyy yall !!!!

i posted this 3/2 hours before Sunday actually began 😁😁😁😁😁

this is the last pre-movie chapter I swear 😭😭

how do yall feel about Jonah's emotions????

Trinity and Jonah's friendship????

thoughts and opinions???

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