Broken Heart

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Love's been nothing but an ache

It's left me with this void inside

I try to keep my heart protected

I'm afraid of falling in love again

And experiencing that pain one more time

Love doesn't feel the same anymore

My heart's been broken so many times

I've tried to move on and heal

But the pain just remains inside

Love's just not my thing

My heart's filled with heartbreak

My head's been through enough

My mind can't seem to rest

I've tried to feel real love

But I can't seem to connect

I guess I'm not ready yet

Love's caused me a broken heart

Love's not what I expected

It's been nothing but a disappointment

Every time I've trusted someone

I've gotten hurt and it stings

I thought love was supposed to be beautiful

But it's just a heartache

And I don't know if I can do this anymore

Love doesn't feel the same anymore

My heart's been broken so many times

I've tried to move on and heal

But the pain just remains inside

Love's just not my thing

My heart's filled with heartbreak

My head's been through enough

My mind can't seem to rest

I've tried to feel real love

But I can't seem to connect

I guess I'm not ready yet

Love's caused me a broken heart

I guess I've just got that fear

That love's not worth the pain

It's left that heavy weight

That makes my heart drain

Love is hard, I know

But I just can't help but wonder

If maybe one day

Love will heal the wounds it's caused

Love's just not my thing

My heart's filled with heartbreak

My head's been through enough

My mind can't seem to rest

I've tried to feel real love

But I can't seem to connect

I guess I'm not ready yet

Love's caused me a broken heart

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