Tell me you love me

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I should vividly play that cold lonely heartbreak like a sad movie scene. We danced in the rain until dawn. My heart raced to the fast paced rhythm of your two left feet. Your neck smelt like a hint of sweet tulips and a gala of butterflies. I'd framed that moment in my art collection of "he only comes once".

But you decided to leave me drenched in guilt at midnight. A storm shaked me into reality. You only held my waist tight when it suited you. You were scared of thunder and I was the hand you took out of fear. I cried pools in silence hoping you'd come back, I still do.

Watching you fled the romantic scene to swim in the fountains of her luring eyes broke me. I heard cracks in parts of myself I didn't even know existed. Talking to you only ever gives me daylight seizures and anxiety. You're a hot pot I wish I'd never dipped my hands in. The sound of your voice is like a melody of dispair seeking my downfall.

But I need to believe that you said those charming words with passion. I saw the tiny lost light beneath your autumn brown eyes. You couldn't have pretended to sit  with me on the edge of darkness. You loved me enough to kneel in front of all the angels. I felt your heart dance everytime it met mine in winter.

You  still have that fire for my soul, right ? At least I feel you do....

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