Chapter 16: The Rescue

Start from the beginning


Upon entering the bridge, the women looked at the clan and the Moff with interest. Cara winked at Elaine before Bo-Katan spoke up. "What happened?" Her voice was laced with worry and urgency.

"He brought him in alive, that's what happened." Said Cara. "And now the New Republic's gonna have to double the payment."

"That's not what she's talking about." Gideon said. His voice betrayed amusement. "Why don't you kill him now and take it?" Cara shoved him to the ground, but the Moff just looked up at Mando and chuckled. "It's yours now."

"What is?" Mando asked.

"The Darksaber. It belongs to you."

Mando looked down at the blade in his hand. He deactivated it and offered it to Bo-Katan. " belongs to her."

But the former ruler just held her head high, doing her best to not let her emotions take over. "She can't take it." Gideon said with a cruel smile. "It must be won in battle. In order for her to wield the Darksaber again, she would need to defeat you in combat."

Mando took a step forward and held out the hilt. "I yield. It's yours."

"Oh, no," Gideon said through a chuckle. "It doesn't work that way. The Darksaber doesn't have power. The story does. Without that blade, she's a pretender to the throne."

Bo-Katan swallowed. "He's right."

"Come on, just take it." Mando insisted.

"Well, perhaps she'll get another crack at it." Gideon remarked.

"The Ray shields have been breached." Fennec said suddenly. "We're being boarded."

"How many life forms?" Bo-Katan asked.

Fennec's eyes were grave. "None."

The entire room shifted to a darker feeling, all except Gideon. "You're about to face off with the dark troopers." He said smoothly. "You had your hands full with one. Let's see how you do against a platoon."

Bo-Katan moved over to to the security footage. "They're headed this way."

Mando quickly took Elaine and Grogu over to the control board, setting them both on it. "Don't worry, guys. I'm gonna get you out of here."

He drew his blaster and stood at the ready. The others did the same. "Seal the blast doors!" Fennec ordered.

Koska slammed her fist on the button to do so, sealing the doors shut. She along with Bo-Katan donned their helmets. "They're here." Despite the heavy metal of the blast doors, the sound of violent thuds sounded against it. Fists marks appeared in the door. The dark troopers were trying to break in.

"You have an impressive fire team protecting you." Gideon said slowly. "But I think we all know, after a valiant stand, everyone in this room will be dead.." Bang!​​​ "but me.." Bang! "and the children." Bang!

Mando resisted the urge to kill him right them and there. Nobody threatened his kids. Suddenly, an alarm went off on the control. Koska went to check it. "An X-wing." She said.

"One X-wing?" Cara asked. "Great. We're saved." She shifted her heavy repeating blaster, ready to shoot something.

Bo-Katan pressed the comms button. "Incoming craft, identify yourself."

No response as the ship docked. Grogu cooed as he watched the security cams. A cloaked figure stepped out of the X-wing, and the heavy thudding on the door stopped. "Why did they stop?" Fennec asked.

Bo-Katan looked at the security footage. The figure had a green lightsaber and was fighting the dark troopers. "A Jedi?"

Suddenly, a shot rang out and the Mandalorian princess winced in pain. Moff Gideon had shot her, hitting her armor. In a desperate panic, the Moff shot at Elaine and Grogu, but Mando took the hit. All guns were trained on him. "Drop it!" Fennec ordered. Seeing his situation was hopeless, the Moff pressed the barrel of the blaster to his throat. Luckily, Cara stepped in before he could do anything, striking him the head with a powerful blow.

Grogu cooed again, placing his hand on the screen with the Jedi. Elaine looked at him curiously. She sensed that Grogu felt connected to the Jedi, but she felt nothing.

Mando looked over at his children. He knew what he had to do, but he didn't know if he had the strength to do it.

​​​​​(I know you're all sad, but I'm laughing so hard at what I just did)

Mando grabbed Grogu and Elaine off the panel, setting the girl down. "Open the doors."

"Are you crazy?" Fennec asked, rightfully so. Mando's silence answered her, and Cara opened the blast doors. There in the smoke stood the cloaked Jedi, his green lightsaber casting an eerie light.

"Are you a Jedi?" Mando asked.

The figure took off his hood, revealing a young man, maybe 20ish? He had short blonde hair and blue eyes, and like Ahsoka, there was an air of calm around him. "I am." He extended his hand to Elaine and Grogu. "Come, little ones."

Elaine shrunk behind Mando, but Grogu looked up at him. "They don't want to go with you." Mando said, hoping it was true.

"He wants your permission." The young man said. "He is strong with the Force, but talent without training is nothing." His gaze drifted to Elaine, who eyed him warily. "I will give my life to protect the Child...but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities. And the girl, she will grow into her powers."

Mando turned back to the kids. "That's who you belong with. He's one of your kind. I'll see you again. I promise." His voice wavered. Elaine looked up at him with watery brown eyes, and Grogu reached up and touched his helmet. Mando understood what he meant, and reached up to his helmet. Elaine's eyes widened when as he set his helmet on the floor.

Mando's face. Dark hair with specks of gray scattered throughout, rough stubble, and soft brown eyes that looked like Elaine's. Grogu touched his face as he pulled Elaine close to him. "It'll be alright, guys. It's time to go. Don't be afraid." He set Grogu down, his eyes threatening to spill over with tears. Grogu started to walk towards the Jedi, but Elaine remained stuck to Mando's side.

Mando looked down at her. "Sarad'ika, you have to go now."

Elaine just held to his leg tighter. "No, Papi! I'm not a Jedi. Ahsoka said so!"

Mando knew there was no arguing with her. She was right. Even the Jedi that stood before them knew she wasn't like them. Mando picked her up and the girl rested her head on his shoulder.

A little astromech droid came out from behind the Jedi, and Grogu cooed in excitement. The Jedi picked him up and nodded to Mando. "May the Force be with you." He turned and left.

So Mando stood there holding his daughter as they said goodbye to what made their clan a clan of three. Grog, a brother to Elaine, and and a son to Mando.

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