chapter one

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Isabella's pov:

I walked up the steps to the 21st district, today I'll be starting here and I can't wait to work with Antonio, he says I will fit in just right.

I walk through the doors, taking a deep breath. Why was I so nervous? Isabella Rodriguez doesn't do nervous.
I look around and instantly spot Antonio.

"Tonio hey" I smile walking up to him pulling him in a big hug.
"Bella how are you, so glad you agreed" he smiled back.
"How's Diego and ava, miss my parents in crime" I smile following Antonio.
"They are great and have asked me nearly every week when auntie Bella was coming home, they will be excited to see you" he looked at me then stopped me before we went through a heavily locked door"Bella this district sees some wild crap and it's hard, but your a Rodriguez and you are tough as hell"
"I know, I have seen some wild shit about Chicago on TV and in the news, back in NYC we  only got the occasional dump of a newborn baby that's it and bomb shit" I looked at him and grabbed his arm "but like you said us Dawson's and Rodriguez are tough as shit, that's how ma and pa brought us up" I laughed almost cheering the family names.

Antonio laughed as we walked up into the intelligence area. It was quite quiet with a few papers scattered along the wall. I assumed it was an ongoing case.

"Hey voight, guys this is Isabella Rodriguez she's the new officer for intelligence"  Antonio introduced, I took a deep breath here we go no running away now.

"Hi everyone, excited to get working with you all" I smile at them all.
"So where about you from Rodriguez?" A man asked who had a god figure and mousy brown hair.
"Originally I came from Spain. Moved to Chicago when I was a baby, then moved from here to New York when I was 22 because I got accepted into an intelligence unit there" I replied.
"Right so just so you know who everyone is, there's Jay Halsted, Erin Lindsey, Kim Burgess, Alvim Olinsky, Adam Rusek, Sargent Hank voight and Greg Gerwitz who we always call mouse" he said pointing to everyone.

"Hey Rodriguez, can I speak to you in my office" voight asked me, I nodded and followed him.
"Hey Sarg, what's up?" I asked him.
"I've seen your file, you're incredibly talented" he said gesturing me to sit down so I did. "But I know the real reason why you are here and why you accepted. I am guessing Antonio doesn't?" I looked down ashamed and disappointed at myself.
"No he doesn't know. Neither does Gabriella, please don't tell them" I asked him.
"Listen all I know is that you had a relationship with someone in your intelligence unit in New York. I also know he was shot during a shooting, leaving you and your daughter alone." He replied softly.
"I don't speak about it often, with all due respect Sargent. I don't believe this is any of your business. Antonio and Gabriella do not know about Emilia" I got very defensive and aggravated.
"I know it is your decision to tell them. But I need a next of kin for her if you were to go down during a case" he looked at me.
"Put Gabriella and Antonio down. But this doesn't have to mean they have to know about her. I will tell them in my own time" I say stubbornly. "Is that everything Sargent? I would like to get to work now."
"Go ahead" he said not even looking up from his paperwork.

I walked out of his office and went over to Jay and Kim. I was furious he brought that up.

"Hey you okay, you look like you're about to punch the shit out of someone" Jay said laughing, I shot him a death stare and he instantly stopped.
"Hey what happened in there?" Kim asked me.
"Voight got on my case" I shot out as they both looked at me very confused. "Listen you can't tell Antonio or Gabby" I switch my phone on and flip it so they can see my lock screen. It was a picture of me and Emilia.
"Is that your sister....or cousin..." Jay muttered.
"She's my daughter, she's called Emilia pronounced Em-i-lee-a" I replied smiling at the photo "her dad he was called Sean he was shot during a case and died. That's the reason I came here. Emilia was only 1 when it happened she's 2 now"
"I am so sorry that happened to you Isabella, that's awful" Kim said putting her hand on my arm. I quickly realized I was crying so I whipped away my tears and smiled
"It's part of the job right" I fake smiled. "So tell me about this case..."


Hey guys so hope we liked the first chapter! And I know I left it on a cliffhanger sort of but be excited for the first case I'm coming out with a bang!

Oh and plot twist Isabella has a daughter! That neither Antonio or Gabby know about! Which they should because they are basically family to her!

Make sure to vote for Detective Rodriguez and comment on any ideas you have for this story!

Detective Rodriguez//Chicago PD,med and fire // Jay HalstedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon