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Raven and Drack were at the Kitchen, Eating some snacks they found.

"Chocolate frogs are the best!"

"No!, scones are!"

Both fought, Raven thinks lemon scones are the best!, while Draco thinks Chocolate frogs the best.

"Miss Raven?" An House-elf calls, Named Wrinkles, "Mistress calling you to talk."

Raven nods, going out of the kitchen.

She went to her Mom, Narcissa Malfoy.

"Ahh, Dear, i've been waiting.."

Raven sits down, She sees her Mother nervous, "so..what is it?"

"Its about time i tell you, Raven dear." Narcissa sighs, before speaking. "Your not my daughter."

Raven widens her eyes, multiple stabs on her heart, IS SHE GONNA BE DISOWN?!, "wha-..WHAT?!"

Narcissa sighs, "not that way, i meant, Your someone's child." Raven sighs in relief before Widening her eyes in shock.

"You were the baby of my best friend, Alice Cassie Rosier, She was a Slytherin, Then after 8th year of Hogwarts, she marries this Man named 'Sirius Black' from Gryffindor." Narcissa explains with such emotion, "Then they had you, You were wonderful, Bright and Well, Adorable, and You were a Black, meaning your my Niece."

Raven listens clear, She is interested, "but, Then, when Alice, your mother and You went to visit..her other Friend, they were attack by..You-know who."

Narcissa huffs gently, "killed your mother, Alice's friend and her Husband, Leaving you and another baby, Minerva found you and gave you to me."

Raven widens her eyes, "wait, wait..who's the baby?" She asks, curious, "I do not..remember dear."

Raven nods, Narcissa gives her an elegant Black box, "open it, your mother wanted to give you this when you turn 13." Narcissa smilss as Raven opens it.

Jewelry, Such as a Wonderful Necklace

It looks like a Time-turner, but unfortunately its not, But hey, its beautiful, and then two pair of Earrings

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It looks like a Time-turner, but unfortunately its not, But hey, its beautiful, and then two pair of Earrings.

It looks like a Time-turner, but unfortunately its not, But hey, its beautiful, and then two pair of Earrings

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Then some Hair clips–

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Then some Hair clips–

Then some Hair clips–

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Raven smiles, in awe, "its..its beautiful!" She smiles as Narcissa gives her one more, "One more, you'll need it."

Raven opens it, huh, A parchment paper?

Raven opens it, huh, A parchment paper?

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Wait, Nevermind, its a Map!

"Cool..." Raven said, uncool, "Its map, Where you can see everyone, doing everything everyday, every hour, and every second." Narcissa said, boosting Raven.

"Awesomw!, will use this handy!" Raven smiles, as she thanks Narcissa, she went upstairs to her room, carrying the boxes.

Raven thinks about what Narcissa said, So..She's Narcissa's Niece and Goddaughter, then Draco's her God brother, good.


It was midnight, Raven stayes up late, figuring how to open the Map, She then got an idea.

She gwts her wand and points it to the mao, touching the end of the wand to the map.

"Maybe this note will help me." Raven whispers, looking at the Note Narcissa gave her.

"I solemnly hope that i am up to no good?"  Raven recites, The Map's drawing disappears.

It then showed her a Note. "This Map belongs to Moony, Wormtail, Prongs and Padfoot, you luckily unlocked this Sophisticated, 'hard' magic, and 'powerful' mauraders map'

"Moony?, padfoot?, now that's silly.." Raven giggles as she sees the Map fully, seeing everyone, Every place and well, what there doing.

Raven smiles, with 'horror', "now this is what i call, Prank in handy map." She smiles as she looks at the map.

The midnight breeze was windy and cold, but didn't stopped Raven!

Ms. Black or Mrs. Potter? ^^ H.J.PWhere stories live. Discover now