1. Kernels out of the bag (bath)!

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You would not believe the way Steven's face lit up like a Christmas tree when his daughter was born, or even when he was told his girlfriend was pregnant.

Every day whenever he sees his little monkey wandering around he can't help but grin - smiling so wide that he has to remind himself to be careful of his face muscles or they'll get tired.

"Da... Dada," he looked down to see his cute little angel clinging to his leg - bright blue eyes and long fluffy hair already, she was adorable. "Well hey there, baby!" He smiled and picked her up, kissing her cheek as she smiled and happily clung to him.
"Darling," Steven cooed, hands twirling over her soft hair, "Daddy... Ba... Bathy!" She hummed, he chuckled - she loved her baths - even if it meant being in the bath as her father would run the shower head over her tiny body after she had gotten into the garden beds.

"Alright pumpkin pie, a bath it is," he smiled and took her to the bathroom, he began undressing her and smiling widely as she was reaching for his face.
"Daddy! Da... dada!" She squealed, babbling his name over and over making his heart flutter in awe.
"I love you so much," he whispered and lifted her little body into the bath, smiling as he only put a little bit of water into the tub for her.

All you could hear was splashing of water and the running sounds of the cup he used to rinse her hair splashing down into itself again.
"Dada! Dada, soap! Soappp!" She gasped, tiny chubby finger pointing at the bottle of soap, "Yeah! You love this soap!" He smiled and kissed her cheek, "Daddy, daddy soap... Daddy soap soap!" She hummed, he smiled and kissed her cute little face all over.

As it was time to get dressed - he cooed as his poor baby was shivering as he forgot a towel, "Oh pumpkin! I'm so sorry! Daddy's so nasty!" He gasped, ducking out to get her a towel.

He chuckled as he heard pitter patters of little feet, he looked down to see his cute little baby girl at his feet, "Well hey there," he smiled, grabbing the towel, he saw a devious glint in her eye before she squealed and ran away.

He chuckled and chased her around the house, a wide smile on his face as he did so - she was his world. "Pumpkin!" He called, it was obvious he knew where she was - she was giggling way too loud under the coffee table in the lounge, her cute little hiney sticking out under the table.

"I wonder where she is..." He hummed, chuckling at the cute little bum hanging out, "Found you!" He said and put his head under the table at the other end, she giggled as she saw her daddy who found her, she wiggled out from the table and he wrapped her In a towel, smiling softly as he wrapped her up to keep her warm, keeping her in his arms as his smile slowly grew.

"I love you so much," he whispered and kissed her cheek, she giggled and used her tiny hand to grab at his blonde locks, playing with it before inching closer to snuggle into his chest.

"I love you so much my little angel, you're all I need," he smiled and kissed her cheek.

She fell asleep in the towel, so he had plenty of time to change her and cuddle her to his chest as he watched TV - yes, he was watching SpongeBob.

"Daddy Bobby!" She squealed making Steven smile as he rubbed her little leg, "Yeah, Bobby," Steven chuckled, she giggled up at him and held his thumb in her small hand as she watched with him.

He felt something weird on his fingers, he looked to see her dribbling all over them and coating them in her spit making him chuckle, the things you go through as a parent...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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