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In the dimly lit Pooja room, the soft glow of the oil lamp illuminated the wrinkled face of the old Nand. The room was filled with the fragrance of incense and the sound of chanting mantras. His eyes were fixed on the idol of Narayan, his mind wandering to the tales of his beloved son Krishna and his wondrous feats.

As he sat there, a serene smile graced his weathered features, a mix of pride and love evident in his expression. The image of Krishna lifting Mount Govardhan to shelter the villagers from Indra's wrath shone vividly in his mind, filling his heart with reverence.

"Yeh balak jo itni adbhut leelaye karta hai, woh hum logo ke bich kaise janma ?"

"Aapke iss putra ne janm se hi kitne bhayavaye asuro ka vadh kar, hum sabki raksha ki hai."

"Nand, aapka yeh putra Narayan ke bhaati hai."

"Krishna koi devta nahi, Parmatma hai !"

A tender smile graced his lips as he recalled their words declaring Krishna as the supreme God. He had already been told this by Vasudev and then by Garg muni, that his son was no ordinary. Lost in contemplation, Nand felt a deep sense of pride and love for his son.

The night whispers around him, crickets chirping in the distance, a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves. As a gentle breeze whispered through the window, he gazed outside to see the moon poised high in the sky, casting a silvery sheen over the sleeping world. As he observes the position of the moon, realization dawns upon him that dawn is fast approaching.

With a sense of urgency, he longs to reach the banks of Yamuna before sunrise to break his fast of Ekdashi on dwadashi. Nand rose from his seat, his aged limbs groaning in protest. Ignoring the discomfort, he adorned himself in simple attire and stepped outside into the cool night air.

The silence of the night enveloped him as he made his way towards the banks of Yamuna, his mind consumed by thoughts of Krishna. As he reached the water's edge, Nand stepped into the cool river, feeling a sense of purification wash over him, both physically and spiritually.

The water embraced him in its soothing embrace, offering solace and peace to his weary soul. Closing his eyes, Nand offered his prayers to the divine, his voice blending with the gentle lapping of the river against the shore, unaware that it was a dreaded inauspicious hour.

Suddenly, a powerful force gripped his feet and pulled him under the surface. Panic filled Nand as he was dragged deep into the river, struggling against the unseen entity.

Panic gripped his heart as he gasped for air, feeling the weight of the water pressing down on his chest. His mind raced with thoughts of his beloved son Krishna, praying for his safety and guidance. With a gasp of relief, Nand suddenly felt the cool rush of oxygen fill his lungs, revitalizing his weary body.

As he looked around, he saw himself in the court of Varun, the water god, who sat regally on a throne, his long white hair and beard flowing like the river itself and his eyes focused on the scroll which he was reading. Nand could sense the power and authority exuding from Varun as he sat on his throne, the water god's presence commanding respect and awe.

"Dev, yeh Asur Kalindi mei mila." The guard said.

Asur ? Nand got confused.

Varun calmly ordered, "Toh daal do bandhigrah mei."

Nand, realizing the grave misunderstanding, raises his hand in a feeble attempt to explain his identity, "Prabhu, mai toh manushya hu."

But Varun remains indifferent, his focus was on the scroll. The guard replied, "Raatri ke iss samaye keval Asur hi vicharan karte hai."

As Nand was taken away to prison by the guard of Varun, panic seizes his heart. The damp, dark walls close in on him. The air was heavy with fear and uncertainty, his mind kept racing. The sounds of dripping water and faint echoes of distant voices created a haunting atmosphere as Nand was locked away in solitude.

"Krishna ! Balram !" He called out to his only hope.
"Krishna ! Balram !"

In the quiet of the night, Krishna lay asleep on his bed, his chest rising and falling gently as he peacefully dreamt. Suddenly, his eyes shot open as he felt a deep sense of urgency coursing through him. He heard a distant voice calling out to him, a voice he recognized as his father Nand's.

Krishna leaped out of bed, his heart pounding with concern. As he rushed outside, he saw Balram emerging from his room, also stirred by Nand's call. A look of understanding passed between them, and they both made their way through the dimly lit courtyard, into the night.

Krishna's intuition guided him toward the source of the distress, a deep connection with his father's soul leading the way. Balram followed closely behind, trust in Krishna's instincts unwavering. The night was still, the air heavy with foreboding as they made their way to the banks of the Kalindi river.

Without a word, they both dove into the dark waters and began swimming deeper, guided by an otherworldly sense of purpose. The river seemed to part for them as they swam towards the abode of Varun, the god of the waters.


Varundev be like - Damad ji angna mei padhare, damad ji tuk tuk sab nihaare, damad ji sabko laage pyaare 👀✨


HARIHARESHWARI 15 : Namami Braj Nayakamحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن