Reality in a New Reality

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          Illusion had appeared in this universe having no idea what had occurred, which was a new feeling for the Steve that had always- ok, almost always known and seen everything. At first glance, this new place seemed just like any other. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary right off the bat, as he began to make his way across the landscape. But as soon as he had come across a village, it became very clear this was not normal world. The inhabitants of the town were different, and of great variation. For starters, there were far more than five chromatics, and not just of Steves, but there was also Alexs. There were also Steves that seemed to be based off biomes instead of colors, such as Forest Steves, and Desert Steves. Even the chromatics of the same color were off. Two Red Steve's standing side by side chatting didn't look the same, having small yet noticeable variations to them. 

          His first instinct was to simply do what he had done on the Steve Saga server and begin to take control of this new universe. But... something stopped him. Back in Steve Saga, he could reach out and feel every Steve that was out there. But now, while he still could sense many Steve's out there... there were just too many to tell. Some would fade out from his feel, just to be replaced by more. There were so many Steves out there... and so much more than Steves. He couldn't tell what manner of being's he was sensing, but it was overwhelming. They varied in power levels, some feeling normal, like the Steves around him, while some were on his own level, and others slightly, or far beyond his own power. There were way too many who fell into those last two categories to have him feel like he could actually try and pull anything. 

          As he began to walk away from the village, he heard a voice call out to him; one that was all too familiar. He turned around, to see a Galaxy Steve running towards him. There was no way this rapidly approaching Galaxy was the one he knew, right? They wouldn't be trying to approach him if he was... of course Galaxy was quite the stu- interesting, Steve. The purply figure stopped a few blocks away, Illusion ready to fight if need be. 

          "Well hello there stranger! I saw you come into town but then leave right after! That was pretty weird!" Galaxy said, a wide grin on his face, his yellow eyes seeming friendly. So, this wasn't his Galaxy, but he did have the same personality. That was good to know. "You look pretty odd, just like me! Where ya going?" he had just as many questions, too. 

          "That's none of your concern." Illusion replied simply, turning back around and continuing to walk away. After a moment, though, he was aware that the Galaxy was following him. "I would suggest ceasing your pursuit of me." He said in an emotionless tone, not bothering to turn around and face him again as he spoke. "My goals are large, and someone like you will likely not enjoy where my path may soon lead." He didn't plan to kill anyone, although maybe the occasional manipulation. Ultimately, what he wanted, and needed, were answers. And not just a few answers, but all of them. 

          "Oh I'll be fine! I'm quite powerful you know!" Galaxy responded, seeming to flex his arms as he continued to fall behind him. Illusion found that slightly amusing, as he could also sense many, many beings that seemed to be stronger than the annoying Steve behind him. In all honesty, he'd be fine if this Steve got hurt, and other then the annoyance, there was no reason to not let him follow him. 

          "Fine. But you listen to anything I say and be quiet if you can." He said with a drawn-out sigh, already being aware that that second part was impossible. As the Galaxy began to ramble on and on about how quiet he was gonna be, Illusion couldn't help but worry that this was an awful idea. It wouldn't be that big of a deal, really. Sooner or later, he could ditch him, and everything would be fine. 

          Illusion rammed into the ground at full speed, bouncing a bit, and slamming into a tree, causing it to topple over with a loud cracking sound. He winced, his limbs feeling like they were deflated, his energy levels having never been this low. He lifted his head, looking towards Galaxy, who was on his hands and knees, facing away from him. His purple star covered body was covered in gashes, and splotches of dull, faded colors. Slowly approaching him was another Steve, his whole body being a mixture of deep reds, blues, and purples. His eyes glowed a bright red, in in his hands were two curvy, long blades. 

          "An Illusion Steve, and a Galaxy Steve. Two simple, low level Steves thought they could just come here, and take the knowledge that is rightfully mine." The figure spoke, slowly spinning the swords in his hands. Illusion grunted, his legs feeling weak as he struggled to his feet, stumbling as he fell to his own knees. "I mean, don't feel too bad. I made an Elder run from me, so be proud you're not already dead on the ground. Without using my powers... this bout was actually quite fulfilling." Illusion hated the way he was talking, probably due to the fact it was the same way he had spoken, back when facing off with Sabre and Alex. "Unfortunately, I must get back to my post. So, let's wrap this up."

          The strange Steve reached down, lifting Galaxy off the ground and holding him by the neck, as his colors began to drain away. Galaxy beat his hands against the hostile figure's arms, but it was no use; he had no powers left to fight back with. Four months ago, Illusion would not have cared if galaxy died. But over the past few months, he and the Steve had become... friends, something he never believed he'd have. He stood up once more, and despite feeling faint, took several, unstable steps towards the two. Just as Galaxies colors were nearly fully gone, Illusion fell forward, reaching out his arm in a final attempt to stop this. His hand brushed Galaxy's back, and in that split second of contact, a bright pink flash filled the air, and both of them vanished, leaving the figure standing alone.

          Reality Steve appeared in a cold, snowy tundra, his white and pink colors having come swirls of pinks and purples. He rolled his shoulders, enjoying the feeling of being in this form again. Looking inwards, he could sense that Galaxy was still alive, which surprisingly was a relief. He still wasn't used to caring about others, but he didn't hate the sensation. It wasn't the only feeling he had, however. There was another feeling tingling through his body, dread. He could tell that even like this, he couldn't beat that Steve. He would need something more powerful than simply the combined powers he now possessed. Reaching out with his mind, he could feel so many energies... and he could sense a select few beings who had one that felt promising. He closed his eyes, and reached out to those beings, trying to see if he could look into their minds. And luckily for him, he locked onto one; a familiar Steve walking down a long hallway with a talking wolf. 


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