Chapter 8

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Lucian stared at her in surprise. "Magic? What do you want to know about magic?"

"I want to know everything about magic." Atalie answered truthfully

"Well, everything might be a little much for one morning. How about you select just one thing on which I'll tell you more."

"How did you get used to the fact that there was magic around you?" She questioned in a split second.

Lucian thought for a moment and then said, "The truth is, there was no 'getting used to' magic. For me, magic was, is, a  part of my life. Ever since I can remember magic has been around me. I've grown up seeing people use magic for small-small things so I never had to adjust to it per say."

"Right, I keep forgetting that not everyone is thrust into this world like me." Atalie sighed.

"Hey, don't feel bad! For someone who was thrust into this world, you sure are doing an excellent job of fitting in." He commented staring at her bowed head.

"Thanks." She replied half hearted, staring down at her nails.

"Why don't you ask me something else. If that helps make you feel better then I don't mind answering some more questions."

"Wait, really? I mean I just thought that you were being nice when you said that." She was staring at him now, surprised that someone was offering to help her out of her problems. Usually with Odette and Sophia, she asked the questions and they answered her but they never really invited her to ask the questions.

"Of course I was being nice! But I also meant what I said. I would love to help you out."

"Why though? Why would you want to help somebody you met just a few minutes ago?"

"I think we met a little earlier than that." He joked.

"That doesn't count. You just knew me as the new girl that time and to be honest it wasn't exactly a meeting."

"True! But I always believe that helping someone in life is never the bad thing to do. Maybe the person may not appreciate the help or maybe they might misuse it but every good deed done always comes back full circle." Lucian explained his point of view while gently tuning the strings on his guitar.

"If that's the case, then, what can you tell me about magic. I mean I've read up a few things and the girls have also told me plenty but at times I feel like I'm missing the backstory, y'know like there is something everybody other than me knows." Atalie wanted to know his thoughts on magic. From what she had read, the origins of magic were highly debatable.

Lucian thought for a few minutes before saying, "Magic is an energy, you know that?" When Atalie nodded he continued, "Magic has been around for a lot of time. The oldest occurrence of magic can be traced back to the Homo Erectus. Our historians say that the need for survival and a better lifestyle is what led to the emergence of magic among some people. Again this was governed by the fact that the user must be strong enough to bear the strength of magic physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. So only a few humans-in-developement manifested these powers. The manifested powers were in two casts, the Elementalists and the Warlords."

Lucian took a breath and was about to speak again before Atalie said, "But I still don't understand magic and how it works!"

Lucian smiled at her. "Patience!" He reprimanded, still smiling at her enthusiasm to learn. "Now, as to how magic works. As I said earlier, magic is an energy. People need to  channel the magical energy in order to effectively do magic." He explained.

"So, is magic a unconscious act or a conscious one?"

"I'd say it is a combination of both. See, usage of magic is highly dependent on two factors, potential and talent." Seeing her confused face, explained, "Ok, let's consider an example. You have a big jug of water. You also have an empty glass and an empty bottle with you. Now you fill the glass and the bottle with water. See, both of them can only hold on to a limited amount of water, right? Well magic is the same way. A person can only channel as much magical energy as he/she has the potential for."

"So since the capacity of the bottle to store and channel magic is more, it's capacity is more? At least more than that of the glass." She summarised.

"Now you're catching on!" His smile was brilliant and dazzling. "I'm guessing the energy then acts in accordance with the person's gift?" She questioned.

"Absolutely!" His smile made Atalie feel very proud of herself.

"Now coming back on point. Magic made survival much easier for the people at that time. Of course, the emergence of magic also led to some pretty great discoveries."

Atalie's brain quickly made the connection. "Wait! Are you telling me that the invention of fire was because of magic?" Her volume had increased exponentially by the end of that question.

"Yes, fire was discovered by a fire elemental." He replied. Honestly speaking, Lucian hadn't had such an insight into magic for such a long time. Growing up around magic was great but it also had a few disadvantages. The fact that he had started taking magic for granted was one of them. But now? Seeing the fresh wonder on Atalie's face made him realise that even when something was the norm, taking it for granted was the last thing someone should do.

Now that Atalie's interest had been truly piqued she couldn't help but ask, "What about agriculture and, and riverside settling?"

"Agriculture is Earth and Plant element. As for riverside settling, it has a bit of a fun fact behind it. You see, it was the water elementals that started it. They discovered that the water gave them strength and so they began settling near river banks. The others followed them after they discovered the benefits of staying close to the rivers."

"And the wheel?"

"I'm afraid that was pure human genius." Lucian had to stop himself from laughing at her crestfallen expression.

"Anyways, the most important time of magic came in the mid 1600's with the father of magical discovery -Edward Sterling."

Hey Guys! I missed all of you! Sorry for not posting last Sunday. I was actually on a vacation with my family so was unable to post.

Anyway, what do you think of the history of magic?

Is Lucian a better teacher than Professor Parvati? Or is she the better teacher?

Also why do you think is Edward Sterling considered the father of magic?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Don't forget to Vote Comment and Share!

Love you guys!


Fictionally yours,

The Angel ReapersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz