
I reached my mother's office and ran straight to the studio. I am aware,  all new models practice their. And Pooja is desperate to pay her parents back, she would not even miss a day.

''Hi Rishi.'' The choreographer greeted me. ''Can I speak to you Pooja?''

All in the room gave her a surprised look, while Pooja liked murderous she still obliged. ''What Rishi?'' She shot moment we stepped out

''Pooja, I need to see Sanjana.''

''Didn't you see her a the show? Or were your eyes out of order?''

''Pooja, what wrong have I done to you?''

''Really! You just didn't leave Sanjana, you left me and Jay. What wrong did I do to you Rishi? Didn't I deserve an explanation? Or I was a charity your rich ass wanted to save to sooth the millionaire ego.''

''Whoa! Hang on buddy! You know that's not true. You are my friend, and a good one.''

''Yet, you left. Not even for a moment you thought that I cloud need you as well. No number or way to reach you. Tell me why I shouldn't be mad.''

I rubbed my forehead, ''You never said that when I was leaving.''

''Well , we thought you will be back. You are Rishi...who fights everything.''

''Pooja, Rishi is human and his emotions can scare him too. Yes, I freaked out. But none of you told me that she came back, that she didn't marry.''

''Ans how do you thing I would delivered the message. Via pigeon or Owl.'' Someone giggled behind me and turned around to shut them up. 

''Jay knew where I was.''

''He tried, right after she was back. I was with him when he called you shut him off since didn't want to know anything about her.''

I blinked, what if Sanajna know about this. ''Does Sanajna know?'' I asked, my fingers crossed

Pooja narrowed her eyes at my crossed fingers, ''yes, we are all in here to make your life hell.'' She replied with a big smile. ''You cut all of us, Jay, me , your parents and not to forget Sanjana. Buddy, I am going to help her in any way I could. Enjoy the ride.''

I decided to start with her, cupping her small face I made sure she looked into my eyes. ''I am sorry. And I will do all it takes to win all of you back.''

I could feel her face softened , but there are other enemies, my mom called her out. ''Pooja, your turn next.''

Pooja walked away without looking at me and I swear I saw my mom smirking.


Third PoV

Pooja quickly completed her mock drill for the upcoming show and went straight to Roma's cabin. She stepped in when Roma responded o her knock. ''Mam! I have a question?''

''I know, and we are torturing him so he realizes he cannot run away from all every time he has a heart break .''

Roma then enquired about Sanjana's family and Pooja narrated all. Roma smiled, it was like a dejavu. Years back, she fought her family and now Sanajna was fighting for her son. The only difference was, her family never forgave or accepted them. not that she regretted any of it, but she had made up her mind to make sure Sanajna's family was involved in her future.


I had been in a bad  mood lately and many have faced the wrath of my mood. If I could, I would break Rishi into million pieces, grill him in an oven and then feed him to the world. I died a million deaths waiting for him, worried he would move on. I left everything, my city, my life my family for him and in turn all I wished , he would trust me. I have had sleepless nights worried about him and when I find him, he walks the ramp as if he owns the world. 

I am sure the idiot didn't miss me.


''What?'' I barked and my friend recoiled. ''Jeezes, you need to get on meds.''

''I will once I bite someone's head off.''

Meera called for me and walked into her cabin like a zombie. She gave me a new assignment and decided to throw Rishi out of my head. One thing I have learned about the glamor world his, the more power one holds, the more snob they are.


By end of day, I submitted by plan on campaign and Meera asked me to block her calendar the next day for a discussion. Picking my stuff up, I walked out of the office. I wanted to be alone. Jay offered to pick me, but I refused. I had plans to spend on the beach. 

Before I could get into a cab, I heard someone call my name. ''Sanjana!'' I turned and flew into rage. Pretending not to have heard, I decided to get into the cab but he got be first.

''Madam, decide soon.. I an an extra artist in your personal movie  .' The cabby taunted. Rishi handed him some money and he went his way.

''Sanju.'' Rishi whispered 

''Sanjana, its Sanajna for you.'' I replied mad

He took a deep breath. ''Can we speak.''

''I haven't sealed your moth but ears are in a mode of selective hearing and my mouth refuses to speak to you.''

He pressed his lips. ''I am sorry.''

''Why are you sorry bad boy. You never regret anything. You do what your heart says. You follow your own rules. You keep world at the tip of your shoe.''

''Are you planning a promotion for a soap or movie.'' He asked

I frowned, how did he know? Was he keeping an eyes on me. ''No!''

''Yes, you are throwing all crappy dialogues at me.'' He smiled, trying to look like a hunk. I gave him one look from head to toe. ''Pls remind me who are you?'' He threw his arms in air.

''Really Sanajna!''

''Yeah, you forgot me and ran away, I forgot you the moment I met you AGAGIN!''

Rishi took a deep breath and tried holding my hand but I slapped it away. ''If you don't leave, I will create a scene.'' I warned. he watched me helplessly , turned on his heels and drove away, leaving my jaw touching the floor.

The hero in the movie we are planning the PR for, begs to his girl on his knees and here is my idiot Man. I said leave and he left. Hence proved, Rishi is romantically challenged !

When I reached home, I heard laughter coming from our apartment.   Stepping in I found Jay and Pooja watching an old comedy. ''What are you 2 doing alone?''

Pooja rolled her eyes. ''You are turning into nosy aunty.'' I realized I was snapping at wrong people. ''Sorry, I am just in a bad mood.''

I narrated how Rishi had ambushed me and then me there standing like an idiot. They tried not to laugh but did after a moment. ''Your friend is an idiot.''

''Poor guy didn't know whether to be a lover boy or a henpecked boyfriend. He chose latter and still he is an idiot.'' Jay concluded. We spend sometime discussing random things before Jay left,


After the dinner, I walked into the balcony and stood watching the moon.  How I wished my life with family go back to normal but that happen only if I apologize and marry as per dadu's wish. Guess, I am suck being a rouge. My thoughts broke with someone accelerating the bike mad. I frowned and stared down and found a guy waving at me. I wanted to smile but I am angry, with a lift of my chin I walked in closing the door with a thud.

Once I was alone, I pressed my lips. It was my turn to drive him mad. Bad boy Vs Good girl. 

Bad Boy-0 ; Good Girl 1


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