"I just said oh."

"But you said it like I just told you I had an incurable disease." You pointed out. "To quote Carly Shay, you said it like you won a raffle but found out the prize was a can of soup."

"I'm sure it's nothing to freak out over." MJ tried to calm you down. "You guys have sex, right? And it's fine?"

"Yeah. It's always me who starts it though. Is that bad?" You looked at the girls nervously for answers.

"I wouldn't say it's bad." Gwen assured you.

"I would." MJ shrugged. "Does he think you're ugly or something?"

"Michelle!" Gwen whispered harshly.

"What?" MJ rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying. Maybe he doesn't start it because he doesn't want it. You said he was a gentleman, right?"

"Yeah." You nodded.

"So maybe he's content with kisses and cuddles. Maybe he doesn't need sex." MJ suggested.

"Or maybe he's not sexually attracted to you." Gwen gasped. You and MJ whipped your heads to Gwen in shock.

"Gwen!" MJ scolded.

"What? I could be right." Gwen insisted. "I've dated guys who were handsome and perfect and kind but I had no sexual attraction to them. Sometimes, that's just the way it is."

"Oh no." You covered your mouth with your hand. "Is Peter not attracted to me?"

"Don't think that." MJ told you. "If you're really worried about it, ask him. I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation."

"Okay." You took a deep breath. "You're probably right."

"Yeah." MJ agreed. "Unless I'm wrong. And if I am wrong, then I'll initiate sex with you myself."

"Oh my God." You chuckled as MJ continued.

"That's how good of a friend I am. I will have sex with you if you need it that badly. I'm willing to make that sacrifice for you. I'll do it." She held up her hands in defense, making you and Gwen laugh.

"Just talk to him. Go to his dorm." Gwen brought the conversation back. "And if he finds you unattractive-"

"Come find me." MJ winked. You shoved her playfully and threw on a smile, but you were freaking out inside. You just needed to talk to Peter to sort it all out.

You went to Peter's dorm after your last class, the conversation with MJ and Gwen ringing in your mind. You needed to talk to him about it in order to make yourself feel better, but you had no idea how to even start a conversation like that.

Peter was lying on his bed with his laptop on his lap, moving it once you came in.

"Hi honey." Peter opened his arms to you. "How was class?"

"Fine." You sighed happily as you fell into his arms. "Is Ned here?"

"No. He's in a lab until 6." Peter told you as he moved the hair from your face. He kissed your forehead sweetly, making you forget the troubles from before. You propped yourself up to get a better look at him before kissing him. Peter kissed you back sweetly, like he always did, but you weren't in the mood for sweet.

"So we have the dorm to ourselves?" You whispered once you pulled away. You tweaked on eyebrow up before leaning in to kiss him again.

"Yeah." He said between kisses. "Want to watch a movie?"

"A movie?" You sat up when you heard his suggestion and pouted.

"Or we could do a puzzle. May just sent me one." Peter climbed off the bed and went to his desk to show you a box. "Look! It's a map of Staten Island."

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