"Well... euhm... I wanted to know where- I mean... how to get a rape kit done," I whisper the last part, not wanting anyone else to overhear. The kindness in the woman's eyes shifts to sympathy, and she nods, rising from her seat.

"Follow me, darling," she says, leading me down a hallway and into a room. The room is like any other in the hospital, yet it lacks windows, enveloped in softer lighting compared to the bright white glow of the surrounding corridors.

"You can lay down on the bed. Someone will be in here soon, alright?" The woman gestures towards the bed, and I nod, complying with her instructions. As she exits through another door, I settle onto the bed, awaiting the next steps.

A few minutes later, a doctor accompanied by the woman from the front desk enters the room. "This is Doctor Thornhill, and she will be conducting the kit. However, if you'd prefer, I can stay with you," the woman offers, but I decline, preferring minimal company. "Alright then, once it's completed, you'll have the option to stay here for a while if you'd like. But if you prefer to leave immediately, that's entirely up to you. You're in control," she assures me, and I offer a grateful smile, acknowledging her understanding.

• • •

"We're all done," the doctor says gently, tidying up the equipment. "All the data we collected will be entered into the system. It will be securely stored and accessed only when you choose to, alright?" She elaborates, and I nod in understanding. I've seen enough medical dramas to grasp the process, but I appreciate her clear explanation nonetheless.

I exit the hospital, eager to leave and knowing I should head to class. I slip into my car, and with a sigh, I start the engine and put on some music before pulling out of the parking lot. It's nearly half an hour later when I finally arrive at school, I feel the dampness of tears on my cheeks that must have escaped during the drive.

I adjust the vanity mirror to check my appearance, noticing smudged mascara that I quickly clean up. Taking a deep breath, I step out of the car, the bell signaling the end of second period echoing in the background. Thankfully, I'll still make it on time for the third period due to the short break between classes.

Entering the school, I head to the front desk to inform them of my tardiness. Once it's logged in the system, I begin searching for Jennifer. Despite scanning the halls, she's nowhere to be found, prompting me to check the bathroom in hopes of locating her. As I navigate the corridors, I pass by Mr. Bayron's classroom, relieved to find it empty. Thoughts of him start to unsettle me, and I focus on steadying my breath as I continue on my search.

Pushing the door open, I step into the girls' bathroom. The room appears empty, but as I prepare to leave, a faint sound catches my attention from one of the back stalls. Curious, I move closer, straining to discern the source. The noise becomes more distinct with each step, and a sense of familiarity washes over me—it's the sound of someone vomiting and trying to be discreet about it.

I'm tempted to knock and check on the person inside, but they beat me to it by flushing the toilet and stepping out. It's Jennifer, and she appears worn out.

"Are you alright?" I ask, concern evident in my voice. She nods and proceeds to wash her hands before responding.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just not feeling great," she says, her smile faint. Despite her reassurance, I sense something off.

"Are you sure you don't want to go home? I can give you a ride," I offer, but she declines.

"No, I'll be fine. Thanks, though," she insists, drying her hands with a handful of paper towels. "We should head to class," she suggests, heading towards the door. I follow, still feeling uncertain, but I decide not to press the issue further.

Ms. AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now