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"Many years have Passed since William's Revenge.....27 years to be Exact...Which was Insane considering the Degree of His crimes....And Not too far a distant Town....Lived another Trollface.....Named Michael...he never heard of who William was and...His Life was....Bad to say the least...his Parents died at quite a young age and He Has been an orphan for most of his life......they all left him with Little money and he barely Even Inherited anything from them...Which meant he had to teach himself discipline and Important lessons in life but even with this massive challenge His Seemingly Awful Parents had Provided him...He Still Stood Proud....and kind.."

"And he believed in God......He Trusted that he was the Reason On why he's still Alive...and the reason why He still has the Motivation to Live....Needless to say....His Faith in God was Something that was Not made to be fun off......"

"One Day, However....He Would be Adopted By a Priest with the name of Jacob, Who was at the age of 45 at the time He Adopted Micheal...and he Took Great care of Him...greatly reducing his Hard life.....all the way till he was 18....and together, they made a Living out of themselves....which Made Micheal see Jacob as his first and Only Father figure thus far...and By Performing Exorcism and Other Various Religious Acts All in the Name Of God himself......they also Grew a Hefty Reputation....But Of course...the burden of being a trollface hits...."

"And On one of these Fateful Exorcisms....Would Change Michael's Life....Forever.....and Possibly....Scarr him."

"End of introduction" - "seems like Micheal Is On his way to perform yet another Exorcism with his Only Real Father figure......the Question is....will they both [REDACTED]?

Words: 300.

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