13 ; we like avoiding problems

Start from the beginning

ophelia swore on her pet pigeon's grave that remus must have blushed. "shut up." he meant it out of affection though, if you read between the lines a little– and used a lot of imagination.

fleamont appeared a moment later, explaining to remus how exactly the arrangement would work, and in addition to it, offered to give remus a tour of the cleared space to dissuade any paranoia that remus was clearly feeling that the moment. at this, sirius had jumped up, eagerly following behind them, possibly to attempt to suck up to both parties involved.

ophelia yawned, reclining on her favorite couch, as james resumed reading the letter that lily had sent him a few days prior; he would read it again and again, to just fathom the concept that he'd managed to haphazardly seduce the woman of his dreams.

it was the sort of comfortable silence they'd grown into as they'd gotten older, a twin thing perhaps, that meant that things did not have to be said.

james did actually speak, however. "what do you think is up with those two?"

"which two?" ophelia inquired with a raised eyebrow, though it was quite obvious what the elephant in the room was, especially if james was picking up on it.

"moony and pads." james elaborated with a vague hand gesture in the direction where they had vanished down the hall.

ophelia followed his hand for a moment, before looking back at james, slightly amused. "dunno. what do you think?"

"i'm not sure, that's why i'm asking you, dumbass."

"well you're their best mate, not me."

"but they actually talk about their feelings to you, because you're a welcoming presence, or whatever." james reasoned, causing ophelia to roll her eyes slightly. "bullshit."

james mirrored the movement, before his face moved into a frown. "do you think that their friendship is on the rocks? maybe peter was like, a balancing agent in the marauders after all, and now they're at each other's throats or something?"

okay, she took her compliment to his picking up of subtle signals away in an instant. james was a smart lad, but upon living with him since the womb, she was aware that certain matters tended to fly by him without much thought.

"no, no, i doubt that's it. their friendship seems...fine?"

"you sure?"

"i don't know, nitwit." she sighed, leaning back in the cushions. the thing was, she had her theories, obviously, but she wasn't particularly going to gossip within her own home– at least, until she had confirmation that she was right, obviously. "don't worry about it, maybe it's just the summer blues."

he looked unconvinced, raising his dark eyebrows at her slightly.

she rerouted then, kicking him on the shin. "stop giving me that look. maybe it's just because it's close to the full moon, remus isn't feeling his best, and sirius is worried about him because you two can't join him down there as stag and bitch, no?"

"a bitch is a female dog, ophelia, but yeah, fair enough. i do worry though, you know, since we're out of hogwarts, starting our own lives and all."

"that's a conversation to have with a life coach, jamie, not me."


"just the lad i was looking for." ophelia said brightly, as she ran into regulus black a day later, night of the full moon. she'd gone out into town to buy some more chocolate to give remus the next day, and ended up running into regulus, as fate would sometimes do a little silly like that.

regulus, dressed more casually in a loose black shirt and khaki trousers and dress shoes, nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice, his ears ashamedly flushing a pink. he looked like a deer in headlights, which was almost comical; then he gathered his stoicism, which seemed to have evaporated for a moment.


she shrugged lightly, leaning forward to greet him with dual kisses on his cheeks, the barest graze of politeness, which made him blanch even further. "lovely day, is it not?"

he cleared his throat, eyebrows furrowing slightly at her. "er, yes, lovely. i have not seen you in a while, i had thought you might have left the country."

"i've simply been avoiding the worst of the heat, and helping my mother with the gardens." she replied, raising an eyebrow at him. "unfortunately for you, who seemed to have been hoping i'd vacated, yes?"

he did let out a snort at that. "ah yes, my prayers of having you drown in the english channel were not answered, i'm afraid." his tone was full of fresh snark, but his eyes seemed to avoid her, darting from her hairline, to her left ear, and over her shoulder.

as far as ophelia could tell, she was acknowledging as if something had occurred between them but acting as if it was not a matter of significance; while he was refusing to admit something had taken place, but acting as if the fabric of the universe had been altered.

"nothing's new, then." ophelia noted at the notion of her demise, an eyebrow raising. "what're you up to, this fine afternoon?"

"just a stroll." regulus replied wryly, expression slightly pensive. "and yourself?"

"errands." ophelia showed him the bag she carried in her hand. his eyebrow raised.

"that's a lot of chocolate. all for yourself?"

"obviously not." she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. "i could spare some for yourself, if you'd like."

regulus wrinkled his nose gently. "i appreciate the offer, but i will politely decline."

"your loss."

they stood there for a moment, face to face, the silence being a heartbeat too long for anyone's comfort. she didn't find it all that awkward, but from the expression on his face, he was clearly perceiving it as so.

perhaps that was just how it was to be between the both of them now, abysmally uncomfortable. but a little kiss could not wreak that much havoc, could it?

merlin, she had to put the memory of kiss out of sight, and out of mind. it was getting repugnant, how many times it would find its way into her head when it really should not have been there.

"what are you doing this afternoon?" ophelia finally said, her eyebrows arching slightly at regulus, who allowed a slight frown to grace his features.

"nothing other than pondering my existence, why do you ask?"

"do you want to accompany me for an activity of sorts?"

he regarded her, dumbfounded. "activity?"

"yes, exploring the city." she explained, figuring how vague her initial suggestion had been might have been ominous.

"but i have been here many times in my life."

"well, i haven't, so even better." ophelia noted, raising an eyebrow. "you'll be my guide."

regulus shot her a look, actually resting his eyes on her face this time. progress. "i did not consent to being anyone's guide, potter."

"i wasn't asking a questioned that required it."

his brows drew together again, slightly wary for whatever reason– not that ophelia saw much that could go wrong that could cause such a pensive look. "you did ask a question, 'do you want to accompany me for an activity of sorts?' counts as a question."

"yes, i would love to."

"my god." he exclaimed, looking away down the street, before focusing back on her. "that was not even an articulate play on words, potter."

"i'm aware. i'll meet you by the bridge over the garonne at six o'clock."

the sound he made was disgruntled, but it wasn't an outright rejection of the concept, so a win was a win.

"fine. six o'clock."

╰┈➤ authors note ; hello here's a chapter,, bye don't forget to like and subscribe

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