A Situation In Gotham

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A/N: This is a remake of my Raven's bunch story.

Raven finds a baby with her DNA in a hidden pod inside an underground bunker.

October 31
Friday Evening

"So, remind me why we're going to Gotham again?" A young woman in purple and black asked.

"There've been strange occurrences there. Things even Batman can't explain. Crimes happen and all anyone sees is a black shadow disappear afterwards. You have similar abilities, Raven, so I thought I bring you along."

Raven raised an eyebrow before giving a sigh. She knew to trust Nightwing's judgment. If her skills were required, then it would be best if she were there.

"We've tracked the creatures down into the sewers. Barbara says it's croc, but I disagree. He doesn't have the intelligence let alone the magic abilities to do something like that."

A ringing is heard from the console before a familiar face appears.

"Nightwing. I assume you're on your way. Do you have her with you?"

"That I do. We'll be arriving in 5 minutes. Could you tell Alfred to be ready to receive visitors."

"Does she wish for anything specific?"

"I wouldn't mind some tea and chocolate chip cookies."

"Right away, Miss Roth."

As Wayne manor came into view, Nightwing slowed the Batwing down and began his landing. As the Batwing stopped and the cockpit opened, Raven left the vehicle, making her way toward the large computer.

"What've you got so far, Damian?"

"Just footage for now, nothing too solid."

Raven rolled her eyes. "So, shadow creatures?"

"Yes. They've only recently starting to pop up. It's rather strange. They just show up out of nowhere, rob you, and then just leave."

Raven turned to see a look of bewilderment on Nightwing's face. "And the strangest thing? They've never harmed anyone. They take what they want and just disappear."

"That was last week. Things happened and now these things are getting messy. People, mostly criminals, are being found in small pieces. Severed arms and gouged eyes. Really gruesome."

"We were wondering if you could help us track them to their home."

As Alfred stood next to the ravenette, Raven picked a cookie up and took a bite. After chewing for a moment, she turns to the two. "Alright. Where do we start?

Nightwing smiled. "One of the local manholes in Gotham."

Raven sighed in exasperation. "Can I finish the cookies?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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