Chapter 1

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Saturday is a fun day because the next day is sunday. Reserved for sleeping. No work No tension. And next Monday a day of realisation that you had some work which needed to be completed this weekend.

But have you ever wondered? What if? Only if? You ever got a bunch of work to do and on top of that you have to complete someone else's work too.

Frustration. Irritation. Procastination.

Wow! What a rhyme.

That's what kashish was feeling entering into a new session Eighth  class was like entering into a board one. Even board students don't feel  this much stress which she was feeling in her initial days.

Wearing a white shirt and skirt with a red and black lining into it like a some kind of those wedding band member who bang dhol  on the way of barat  but what can someone do when your freaking school uniform is design in this way.

Red socks, black bata shoes, hair in a loose ponytail and a heavy bag with lots of ncert books.

Her head hung low walking down the corridor only other students shoes were seen by her, whispering of students, their chit chatting and laughing, some playing a catch-um-catch in the middle of the path. Overall everything was a chaos.

She entered inside her class, pulled out a chair and was about to sit when someone pulled it back and she fell down.

Class was not full only few were there roaming to and fro. Internally, thanks the God for not embarassing her in front of the whole class.

She fixed her dress and looked up. Her eyes met with foresty one.

Did you get the deja vu?

"My homework. " He said in a dead pan voice and stretched out his hand.

She simply pulled out a notebook and handed to him . Started going towards the door when a sudden tug on her wrist pulled her back.

" Why so hurry, ish? " He whispered near her ears and slightly pushed her and walked out of the room.

The whole day passed like this studying, eating then again studying not to forget the sleep that comes after food is different.
Where everyone sit and sleep during the lecture.

After finishing school, all the children board the bus and take their turns.

Kashish hear her name being called and climb up the stairs of the bus and sat down on the third seat near the window.

While looking outside the window, she felt a side of her seat sanked down and a misty fragrance hit her nostrils.

She turned her head and sees him sitting beside her. She stood for a while and looked around but there were no vacant seats, all were filled.

"Sit down, you will hurt yourself. " She heared him saying and was pushed back on the seat.

Her gaze met with his angry ones.

"Are you always this quiet or you just become like this in front of me? " Her heart was beating fast, she did not say anything and kept her entire focus on her cupped hands.

Being introvert  come with many cons. Like whenever someone approach you for talk you'll end up fumbling the words, your hand will start shaking unnecessarily, at moment you want to talk to others and the next moment you will feel like where the hell you've came and why?

Soon the bus reached their stop walking down from it. They parted their ways.

When everything is happening good in our mind, we feel like sending a message to ourselves that things are about to get worse.

And yes! She was again pulled back but this time with her bag pack.

" Aren't you forgetting something? " He asked.

"What? "

He gave her look ' c'mon think again' with a raising eyebrow.

" I... I don't think I am forgetting anything. " She said in a confusing state.

"It's Me! " He said in duh tone.

Kashish rolled her eyes and start walking ahead and him tailing behind her.

Suddenly, she stopped and turned "y-you why are you following me? "

"Because my parents is in your house. " He point his index finger behind her and walked past her inside the house whose door was open ajar as if it were open only for them.

" Isse sidhe moo baat krni bhi aati h. " She muttered and went inside her house.

After changing her clothes , she enter inside a living room to greet  Mr and Mrs. Thakur.

"Namaste Uncle and Aunty. " She gretted them.

"Kashuu, my dear come here. " Melina, Iyaan's mom squealed and engulfed her in a bear hug.

"How are you? " She asked looking down because of her shy nature.

Melina made her sit beside her and kiss on her forehead.

" Still the shy one. " Melina poked her arms on her stomach while a chuckled left from kashish's mouth.

Just like this whole day went in a jiffy, sharing laughter and memorable memories of their lively friendship, a little bit of teasing , their dreams and certain someone's feeling towards someonelse was also going to change.

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