Sharanya: Thankyou Madav for this wonderful description. I'll surely remember and will tell you my answer.

Arvi was standings there ideally as she was zone out with her thoughts.

Sharanya: Let's go Arvi..Arvi? Arvi??

Sharanya: Where were you lost Arvi?

Arvi: Nothing, were you saying something?

Sharanya: I was calling you...

Arvi: Yeah say na what you wanna say?

Sharanya: Let's go to Mata Kunti. I've some work with her

In mata Kunti's chamber

Kunti:Are Arvi Sharanya you both here (she hugged Arvi and Sharanya) how are you both

Both:We are fine mata

Kunti: You both want something my child?

Sharanya: Mata.. I wanted to you ask about Arjun..*slowly*

Kunti: *smiled* Come here bacha and ask whatever you want to ask.

Sharanya: Mata.. what he likes the most other then Archery?

Kunti: Spending quality time with his brothers. He does other activities also when he is free but most of the time he practices Archery.

Sharanya: What's his favorite dish?

Kunti: Anything but it should be made up with pure love.

Sharanya: Anything else.. can you tell me about him?

Kunti: My child.. he sometimes is very sensitive and sometimes very bold. He needs time for everything. He won't tolerate if someone insults his loved ones that why he protects his love ones. He respects each and every woman and he can't bear their insult.

Sharanya: Thankyou Mata.

Kunti: Your most welcome bacha. Btw have you seen him? From morning I haven't seen him. If you see him please tell I'm calling him.

Sharanya got perfect chance to talk with him and meet him.

Here Arvi was listening each and everything and was remembering about his Krishn but she somewhere knows the answer the he will never love her. He only sees her as very good friend and Radha rani is his love, sould his everything.

Arvi: *thinking* I wish I also get love. But I guess love is not for me.. I meant to be in single in Kalyug as well as Dwaperyug! What a fortune!

Arvi:I was single in Kaliyug also and here also I am single I think Narayan doesn't want me to be in a relationship with someone that's why I am single in Dwaperyug also and she also got her love because she needed it she goes from a very difficult life but not from now I am happy for her

Sharanya:Arvi what happen why are you lost

Arvi:It's nothing Sharanya


Then she went to find Rajkumar Arjun she finds in a training area praticeing Archery

Sharanya:Rajkumar Arjun

Arjun turns and was lost in her he was not able to process anything because he was lost in her beautiful

Sharanya came in front of him and snaps her fingers to make him come to reality

Sharanya:what's the matter with everyone whom i am seeing is lost somewere

Arjun:no it's not like that I was.. what's the matter do you need something

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