Chapter 5

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Dhuryodhan: I've never asked for forgiveness and I would never ask that too from a girl.

Sharanya: You'll your forgiveness or You'll die in pain Prince Dhuryodhan.

Krishn: Bharta Dhuryodhan someone don't became small if he/she asks for forgiveness. *smiling*

Dhuryodhan: Shri Krishn I'm not someone I'm prince Dhuryodhan the future king of Hastinapur. And a king doesn't ask for forgiveness

Krishn: Whether it is a king or prince it doesn't matter. Afterall you'll be the king or someone else you won't decide the time will.

Sharanya and Arvi laughed from behind and Dhuryodhan went red due to anger and left the place immediately.

Krishn turned around and looked at them and saw Arvi laughed whole heartedly and gave a soft smile.

When Arvi looked at that she became red and started to blush hard while Sharanya teased her. In that Pandavs came with Mata Kunti

Pandav: Parnam Vasudev Krishn.

Krishn: Param Pandav. How are you all? Happy?

Yudhishtir: We are happy so far. How are you Vasudev?

Krishn: I'm happy well and fine. Btw I've heard that Arjun you like someone huh? *teasing*

Arjun became red along with Sharanya also became silent and red.

Arjun: Vasudev.. it's not like that.. umm that..

Sharanya: Ahem.. Madhav I've some work I'll go now.

With that she ram away and here Arvi is laughing loudly.

Arvi: Hahahahaahaha.. oh god you should have looked her face...hahahaha

Arvi:Sharanya what's the matter why are you blushing (teasingly)

Sharanya:I am not blushing

Krishna:oo.. really (coming towards them)

Krishna:tell me do you like My friend

Arvi:WHAT my Bestie is in love with Rajkumar Arjun

Sharanya:shh..  don't shout you can say in normal tone also I am not deaf

Arvi:How I can stop my emotions when you are in love

Sharanya:I actually don't know that I am really in love with him or it's just a mare attraction and I am so confused about it

Krishna:don't need to be confused Sharanya you will get to know in time that it's a attraction or a true love

Sharanya:Kanha I want to ak something can I

Krishna:sure Sharanya

Sharanya:how you get to know that you are in love with RADHA

Krishna was silent for sometime

Krishna:hmm interesting question it's simple when I was I love I feel something special in everything she used to do I always wanted to spend time with her the most I feel like she is everything she's my soul my heart everything so I was confirmed that I am in love with her

After hearing all this Arvi was very jealous (but she doesn't hate Radha)

Sharanya:Wow thank you for the description of love for me

After hearing Krishn's confession Arvi became sad and jealous and the reality hit her that how can she love Krishn like her lover when Krishn is already purely in love with Radha Rani. She is his soul and how can she part their soul. So she made her mind that she will not more fall in love with Shri Krishn she will think him as her idol nothing more.

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