We make a great team. Let's see a movie sometime.

His number was written at the bottom of the screen. My heart skipped a beat. Why do I feel this way?

The next morning I woke up and got ready. It was a training day on the field. I walked to the field and seen everyone there. "Good morning sleepy head." Panda says. "Benito flakes." Inumaki says waving at me. I wave and say good morning.

It was my turn to spar. I was against Inumaki. I was nervous, I wasn't very good physically in fighting. Maki yelled go and we started. I did my best to dodge and I threw as many punches as I could. He was really good and I couldn't keep up with his movements. He punched me in the face and I went down. The match was done and he held his hand out to me. "Salmon?" He says like it was a question. "Im okay." I say.

"You're lucky. He went easy on you." Maki says. I look over at Inumaki. He just stared off into the distance.

Afterwards I went to get a ice pack for my cheek. When I was leaving I saw Inumaki, panda, and maki standing by the front door. "We're going into Tokyo and thought we'd see if you'd like to come with." Panda says. I smile and nod. "I'd love to."

The taxi ride there was peaceful. When we arrived i looked around at all the places. I followed them around to different stores and places until I got separated with inumaki. We were were just walking and didn't notice the other two not with us.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the movie theater. He got us tickets and popcorn. We sat down and watched the movie. The one he picked was a comedy and I had a blast. When we left it was dark out. "Benito flakes." Inumaki says, gesturing me to come on. I follow him closely. He called a cab and got us back to the school.

[Time skipped a few weeks]

Life at school was going great. I was learning alot and using my curse was alot easier. I've become great friends with Panda, Inumaki, and Maki. Inumaki has been giving me little notes to talk to me a little more. There was going to be a test soon and I had to study.

Inumaki and I were sitting in my room studying. This had become a normal thing. We hung out alot even if no words were spoken to each other. He passed me a note. It was a poorly drawn cat. I smiled and placed it in my book.

I got a text from Maki.

Maki: Hey is Inumaki around you?

Me: Um yes why?

Maki: Me and panda couldn't find him anywhere so we thought maybe he's with you. You two should come out to dinner with us.

Me: I wouldn't mind going. And Inumaki said Salmon. Lol

Maki: Great! We'll be at the Saucy Sushi, meet around 8.

I typed back okay. "Well I have to get out of my pajamas if I want to go out." I say. Inumaki sits up and faces the corner of my room. I realized he did it so he couldn't see me change. "Thank you." I say shyly. He holds a thumbs up. I get dressed into something more casual. "Okay you can turn around now." I tell him. He turns and stares at me as I fixed my hair. I wish I knew what he was thinking.

He was so quiet yet so full of mystery and that made me more curious. We left my room and went to Tokyo to meet up with our friends. We saw them waiting at the entrance of the sushi place. "Hey guys!" Panda says. Me and inumaki wave at them. "What have you two been up to?" Maki asked with a smirk. "Just studying for the test." I say. She squints her eyes at us. "Hmm I'll believe it." She tells me.

We walked in and got a booth. The waitress came by and I about jumped out of my seat when I seen a curse demon around her waist. "Is everything alright ma'am?" The waitress asked. "Oh uh...yes everything is fine. Are you okay?" I asked. "Just a small stomach ache but I have to be here to make some money." She says. I don't know why I knew what to do but I did. "Hold still please." I tell her. She looked confused but I touched the curse and made it burn on the inside. It died and crumbled away.

"I feel so much better..wow that was amazing. Thank you so much. Please your meals are on me today." She says. "No need. You need the money more than we do. I'm just happy to help." I say. We ordered our food and drinks. "How'd you know what to do?" Panda asked. "I didn't..I just kinda guessed." I say nonchalantly. "What?!" Maki and panda yell in union. "Hey it worked didn't it. No need to over think on it." I tell them as they started to lecture me. Inumaki laughed alittle.

I had ordered me some sake. "You sure you can handle all that?" Maki asked. "Of course I can. Atleast I think I can. It's our day off it'll be okay." I say. "Anything can happen though." Panda says. "Salmon." Inumaki agreed. I roll my eyes. "Fine I'll leave the sake alone. But I'm taking it with me for a nice celebration." I say.

We ate and talked about school and life. "So do you like anyone Tsuki?" Maki asked. I started to blush. "What?..oh uh I don't know." I say. "Oh come on- there has to be someone." She says. I stayed quiet cause the first person I thought about was Toge. "If she doesn't wanna tell us she don't have to." Panda tells her. She sighed and didn't question me about it anymore. As we were leaving Inumaki grabbed my arm. "Tuna mayo." He says. "See you guys back at school." Panda says. They left me and toge standing there. Toge pulled me the opposite direction. "Where we going?" I asked. He didn't say anything so I just followed him.

He walked pretty fast but he never let me go. We stopped and he turned to me and made me place my hands over my eyes. We then resumed moving and I was very confused the rest of the way until we stopped. It smelled really nice and I could hear water and birds everywhere.

He uncovered my eyes and I was standing in the middle of a beautiful garden. There was a pond and trees and flowers. Butterflies and birds flew around. "Tuna?" He asked. "I love it yes. I've always wanted to see this place. How did you know?" I asked. "Salmon salmon." He says placing his hands to his ear. I wonder when I was talking about the places I wanted to see while I was in Tokyo.

"Thank you for bringing me here. Also for not letting me run into any people." I say. "Mustard leaf." He says back.

[Later that week]

I was late to class and that wasn't good. When I got there the test was being passed out already so I hurried and sat down. The test was fairly easy except a few questions I had to really think about. When we turned our test in everyone waited for them to be graded and handed back out.

While in class I was given a letter. It was from my mom.

Dear Tsuki

I wanted to inform you of your grandfathers passing. And I wanted to see how you were doing. I miss you and the house is alittle lonely without you in it. Please do visit.

                    Love mom

Please let me know how you like the first chapter. Its been a long time since I made a chapter of anything so im alittle rusty. But I hope you enjoyed it though. If you'd like more please lmk <3

-love Creator.

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