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When laying with you
I could stay there
Close my eyes, feel you here forever
You and me together, nothing is better

(and then they proceed to argue the entire time just because they can)

September 22nd, 1997
10:44 pm | Tatum Vaughneton

"Really? I thought you hated astronomy?" I laughed, walking slowly down the sidewalk beside the cobblestone roads towards the back end of Hogsmeade. "Why didn't you take it last year?"

"Because when your dearest cousin starts liking the same thing as you, you move on. I wanted something for myself and he always had to like everything I liked." Enzo complained with a shrug, grabbing my shoulder before I could cross the street. The street that had no cars in sight, both lights were red and the little stick man was on walk.

He looked back and forth before dropping my shoulder and continuing forward.

I followed him, kicking a rock into the grass which I would have kicked into the road if he hadn't been on the side closest to it. "He probably just looks up to you. My sister used to do everything I did because she wanted a reason to talk to me."

"Well, I wish he would stop it." He laughed, hands in his pockets. "It's tiring having to come up with new hobbies constantly. The hell do you think I learned how to play so many damn instruments for?"

"I thought you were just a music guy." I stepped over a crack in the sidewalk. "You had that whole guitar phase. Then the piano phase. Then the electric guitar. Then the drums and the violin. Narcissa must've bought you every instrument you could have ever wanted and you dropped them all for another after learning five songs."

"I get bored of things too." He muttered, looking up at the sky. "It's like when you find a song you like. You obsess over it and you play it over and over again for a week or two, then it gets old and irritating and you find the next song."

I nodded. "Yeah. But I still listen to the song. Just not as much. I don't know, I kind of feel bad when I just stop doing things I used to like." I picked a piece of grass as we walked by, rolling it up in my hand and flicking it away.

He stared at me with a look of amusement. "You feel bad for a song just because you're tired of it?"

"Yeah." I groaned at how stupid it really sounded. "It's not the song's fault I over-played it. But I get what you mean. I more so do it to people I guess."

"I know." He snorted, eyes glistening. "You think I don't notice that? Just because I don't mention it doesn't mean I don't hear what every other guy in our year has to say about you and the things you've done." He pinched his lips closed for a moment. "It's weird to hear the side where you're the victim and the side where you're the villain all in the same day."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "No. I'm always the victim." I joked. "I've totally never done anything wrong in any relationship ever."

"Yup. Totally believe you on that one. Fuck what four different guys agreed on."

"Wait, what did they agree on?" I gave him a confused look, scuffing my shoe and almost tripping before he grabbed my arm absently and I mumbled a quick "thanks."

"I don't think I should repeat-"


"It was kind of vulgar language-"


He huffed, taking his hand out of his pocket to scratch the bridge of his nose and brush his fingers through his hair. "They all agreed you're a good fuck but that you suck at dating and you can't commit for shit so there's a whole unspoken thing that it's a bad idea to go out with you. Also that if someone actually does go out with you to not expect much I guess."

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