I: Venice

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Anthelme Aloïs tossed a Roman coin in his hand, before placing it with the rest of his coins. Hadrian added to my collection Now if only Antinous had a coin, I'd put them right next to each other. He thought to himself, smiling. He looked up at the bustling and lively city. He was in Venice now, but he knew he wouldn't be here for long. He never stayed anywhere for long. He was a merchant, and a collector. He wasn't meant to stay anywhere for that long. He looked at the people, and waited for someone who looked like they needed something to buy to come along. He smiled at the sight of the lively city, with the people all talking to each other as the golden sunlight of the evening tinted the city.
A maiden approached Anthelme's little stand. She looked at him with a smile. Anthelme examined her, taking note of her blonde hair and emerald green dress, with quite the amount of light blue laces. Anthelme could acknowledge how she could easily be considered attractive, but he just stayed friendly. Anthelme wasn't here for a concubine, he was here to make money.
"Good ev'ning fair maiden!" Said Anthelme while he gave a quick bow. "Any wares or trinkets you are looking for today, madame?" The maiden smiled back.
"Ah! Yes!" She smiled. "I'm looking for some string, you see. My four year old daughter recently tore her favorite blanket, and it emotionally destroyed her!" Said the maiden. Anthelme nodded.
"ah- huh! I have got string to sell, madame." Said Anthelme, as he opened a chest next to him. He pulled out a small box, putting it on the desktop between him and the maiden. He opened it for her, showing her the assortment of colors.
"Ah, this is beautiful!" The maiden said. She started to look through the colored string. She seemed fascinated by the colors. She started to make small talk with Anthelme as she looked.
"My name is Annora. Do you have any family or hobbies? I have my husband, Aldrith, and my four year old daughter, Bernadette." Annora smiles, continuing to talk about her hobbies. "I enjoy stargazing. Quite pretty things, they are." Anthelme pondered for a moment, before answering Annora.
"My name is Anthelme Aloïs. Oh! I do, actually!" He giggled innocently. "I collect coins! Specifically of those of the classical Roman Empire." He smiled widely. He was quite fond of his coins. "I'm not one for slaying dragons, if you wanted to find a dragon slayer, you might want to talk to my brother rather than me. I'd much prefer to keep to a quiet life." He said.
"Oh? What's your brother do?" Annora asked Anthelme.
"He had traveled away, if I remember. He had wanted to join Urban II's crusaders. I don't even know if it was for the sake of liberating the Holy Land, I think he just wants to be a hero." Said Anthelme in response to Annora's question.
"He seems like a lovely fellow!" Annora said, interested. "My husband is a clerk, you see. I think he's dabbled in a bit of falconry as well. My daughter is uh- well, she's four." Annora laughed at her own joke. Anthelme giggled along. Annora was a nice lady, perhaps Anthelme would write about her in his interesting people journal.
Annora had picked out some string that she liked, golden colored and glittering in the sun.
"Do you have a wife and children?" Asked Annora as she handed Anthelme a few gold ducats. Anthelme probably could trade the ducats for more écu than they're worth back in France, somebody might be quite thrilled with the idea of foreign Venetian currency. Anthelme responded as he graciously accepted the ducats.
"Ah, well, you see, I'm not one for romance. Sounds like too much work trying to navigate... I probably wouldn't be home much to even see my wife and children if I had them." Anthelme said with a smile. "I am a man alone."
Annora's smile drooped. "I think you should give it a try. What's the point in saying you're not interested if you've never tried romance? I'm sure there's plenty pretty ladies in your league." She said passive aggressively. Anthelme panicked slightly. He didn't want to be impolite by arguing, but he also did not appreciate getting this same lecture over and over again from everyone he meets.

After Annora had left, Anthelme opened up a new page of his leather bound journal, and wrote about her. He wrote about her interests she had shared with him, and her family, along with a short physical description, and a quick sketch. After Anthelme closed his journal, he quickly got back up and waited for his next client. He thought about his conversation with Annora, his thoughts wandering onto the fact he had mentioned his brother. He missed Beaullime, Beaullime seemed to be the only person to care about Anthelme's ramblings.

'I sold a sword to Louis IX once!'
'I know a guy...'
'How are those crusades going? Are you winning yet?'
'What about that war with England, is it still ongoing?'

Anthelme decided he should reconnect with Beaullime, as he watched the sun set. Soon it will be dark, and he should probably get ready to leave. He's spent his week in Venice, and he'd better get off to to the next city. He presumed he should see Sicily next, and then Florence, and possibly Rome. He hummed a sweet tune, Palästinalied, by Walther von der Vogelweide, a song he had enjoyed and couldn't seem to get out of his head. as he packed up his shop, ready to start his long journey off to the next destination. He looked at what they call the Evening Star, as the sun was setting, and couldn't help but think, Ah, Annora was right, the stars are quite pretty, are they not? Other than Palästinalied by the long deceased Minnesänger Vogelweide, the other thing that Anthelme couldn't get out of his head was how long it had been since he had seen his brother.

Anthelme Aloïs was going to find his brother.

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