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- Small A/N: No more flood warning y'all 🥰🥰 ok anyway new chapter finally afternbeing rlly demotivated also smth will finally happen this chapter cus I wanna feed y'all at least a lil something after dying for over a week (it ain't much but be thankful rats /j)

also pls bare with me there is possibly several typos... I've proofread this about twice but I'm really tired so forgive me if there is :3...


As you and Tsukasa began to walk to school after dropping off Saki, you feel Tsukasa look at you. "I never got the chance to ask you about how things went with Rui yesterday! So, how did it go?"

You lower your head momentarily, feeling reluctant to respond for whatever reason, even if everything went much smoother than you'd ever imagine. "It was... fine. It was awkward for the first few minutes but.. it went nicely after. We got the blueprint for the.. erm- design done."

"Oh! Is that all?" Tsukasa asked. You nod, and he speaks again. "Well, I guess we do have a few weeks so I understand why you'd only get a little done."

     Both you and Tsukasa continue to walk to school. When you arrive, you do the usual routine of switching out your shoes, and walking to homeroom together. Surprisingly when you both slid open the door, Rui wasn't there.

     "Where's Rui?" You ask Tsukasa out of curiosity. He thinks for a moment, falling silent for a while as he did.

     "Might be a little behind or doing something really quick. He usually doesn't stay silent if he doesn't show up today." Tsukasa says, causing you think and grow paranoid.

     You began assuming the worse. What if he got hurt? What if he got hospitalized? What if someone's giving him a hard time? Then another thought crossed your mind, making you wonder... Why do you care so much about that?

     "Maybe it's the fact he's Tsukasa's best friend and how he'd be devastated if something happened to him." You thought. You nod to yourself, mumbling quietly. "Yeah, that's it... Nothing more."

     Tsukasa looked at you. "Is something wrong?" He asked as he stared at you, seeming concerned as he appeared to have heard your mumbling.

     Blushing lightly, you nod your head. "Yeah, sorry. Just... thinking out loud. It's not a big deal though." You reassure Tsukasa as you sit down in your seat with an awkward yet soft smile.

     He nods. "Well, you know I'm right behind you if you're in need of your Future Star brother!" You playfully roll your eyes with a soft smile.

     "Yeah, true I suppose."

     Eventually Rui did show up, and unharmed thankfully. You were quite worried he would finally show up and seem like something was wrong, or if he wouldn't show up at all... But it seems like your worries were fortunately proven to be false.

     Soon, lunch rolls around and it seems that it came quicker than you expected. When it does, you kind of just continued to sit in your seat when you hear Tsukasa call for you.

     "[Y/N]! Do you wanna have lunch with me and Rui again?" Tsukasa asked with a bright smile. "If you're worried you're going to be a 'bother,' trust me that you won't! So please? For your twin brother?"

     You sigh with a soft smile, seeming playfully annoyed. "Okay, okay... I suppose." Then you grab whatever you want before heading to the rooftop with the two of them.

     When you three make it to the rooftop, you all sit on a bench, the order from left the right reading; you, Rui and then Tsukasa.

     For the most part you were just minding your business, but enjoying Tsukasa and Rui's company. Then Tsukasa suddenly speaks in an aggrivated tone. "Damn it! I forgot a drink... I'll be back. I'll go to one of the vending machines to get one!"

     You and Rui nod. "Okay." You both say in sync as Tsukasa left the rooftop momentarily.

     You're just scrolling on your phone, minding your business when Rui calls for you. "[Y/N]?" You turned your head towards his direction. Upon doing so, you turn off your phone and put it in the pocket of the cardigan for your uniform.

     "Is there something you need?" You ask. Rui lowered his head for a moment, looking at his bag. Then he looked back at you with a smile.

     "So do you remember how you wanted to see something I made myself?" Rui asked. You think for a second and then nod.

     "Yeah, I do...! Wait, did you...?" Your sentence lingers and then Rui nods. He reaches for his bag and pulls out a small drone and a controller for it.

     Your eyes slightly widen in astonishment. "W-Wow! You made this yourself? I-It looks so clean and neatly made!" You speak with clear enthusiasm.

     Rui smiles at you. "Yeah. I can show you it how it functions. I already ran test runs, so it's in a good shape." You nod.

     When you nod, Rui turns on the drone, sits up and places it on the ground. He stands up as he's about to start it and you unintentionally find yourself doing the exact same thing, standing up next to him.

     Suddenly when Rui moved the small nob on the left side of the control pad up a little, the drone slowly began to raise itself off of the ground. You couldn't help but watch in amazement, smiling a bit as you did.

     Then the drone is up at a moderate height and Rui starts to move it around. You watch as the thing glides through the air as smooth as an airplane. "Wow... That's amazing... How long did it take you to make it?" You asked.

     Rui stopped the drone in mid-air as he began to think. "It's a little fuzzy in my head given it's been years, but around a few days I believe."

     "That's even more impressive... I'd spend forever on such a thing." You say lightheartedly with a smile that's slightly more wide. You then notice Rui fly the drone to your face, and he started chuckling as he did. He then began making the thing circle your head a little before then making it fly back towards himself.

     Your cheeks suddenly glow a rose pink, blushing moderately. "W-Why did you make it so close to me?"

     Rui notices your embarrassed nature, but just smiles more and doesn't comment on it. "Just thought I'd mess with you a little." He says when Tsukasa suddenly comes back, making your face get a little more warm and red.

     Tsukasa groans in annoyance. "The vending machine was giving me some problems! Thankfully I still got a drink though! Wait— What are you two doing?" He asked.

     Your face just gets hotter, and you start feeling embarrassed for no reason, turning your head away. Thankfully Rui explains it for you two. "I was just showing [Y/N] a drone of mine since they said they were interested."

     Tsukasa nods. "Ah! I understand!" He said with a smile, and then Rui signals the drone close to his hand and he turns it off, gently putting it back in the bag.

     The three of you eventually sit back down and go back to whatever you were going at before. You sigh as you do so, feeling embarrassed still for some reason.

     Several moment later, the bell eventually rings and the three of you (are forced to) return to class.

- Small A/N: my life sucks hehe haha lol xd /j

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