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Shadows of trees and brambles hid the raging ruby of the woods before he descended upon a clearing. Green he was but Duo had the scorpion ire of crimson sands. The learner and Furby stood poised to elope. With his knives sharpened to a deadly edge, Duolingo prepared to unleash his fury upon the betrayer who had shattered his heart.

His claws curled around the hilt of his blade before his eyes met Furby's
, he felt a jealous gnaw in his gut. He turned to the learner and sawed through his ex lover, the glint in his eyes as sharp as the dagger. Satisfied he devoured the remains. The furby waddled away shyly.

With a fast expulsion of air, Duo then let out a brilliant burp from the belly. It flew out of him like 𝔱𝔥𝔢 divine blue hedgehog and brought with it the essence of that chewed up backstabber snake, leaving a lingering reminder of satisfaction in its wake.

Physically Duo then left that clearing in the forest, but his mind was still fixed on the furby's gaze. For it was not the expected glare of contempt he saw from those narrowed crimson eyes.

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