Chapter 2: Cafeteria Catastrophe

Start from the beginning

War, watching from the sidelines, looks on in shock.

Got you.

War's POV

As I sit at the table with Yin and Mel, my mind races with a whirlwind of emotions - embarrassment, frustration, and a growing sense of resentment towards Yin.

How could he put me in such an embarrassing situation without even warning me?

I steal a quick glance at Yin, who sits beside me with a smug expression that only adds fuel to the fire of my irritation.

He knows exactly what he's done, and he's enjoying every moment of my discomfort.

It turns out that Mel is Yin's friend who has been living in the UK for the past year and only came back yesterday.

They had planned to meet, hence she was here but this piece of spoiled meat, Yin, used this as an opportunity to embarrass me.

How dare he.

Yin, takes it upon himself to introduce me properly to Mel.

"Mel, this is War - my... well, let's just say he's my partner in crime around here," Yin says with a wry grin.

I shoot Yin a mock glare, but Mel just laughs, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Nice to meet you, War," she says, extending her hand with a friendly smile.

I take her hand in mine, trying to ignore the butterflies that flutter in my stomach at her touch.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mel," I reply, mustering up the charm despite the lingering embarrassment of my earlier fall.

As I sit across from Mel, basking in the glow of her radiant smile, I can't help but feel a surge of confidence.

This is it, I think to myself.

The perfect opportunity to lay on the charm and win over this stunning beauty.

"So, Mel," I begin, my voice dripping with exaggerated charm.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have the most mesmerizing eyes? They're like pools of liquid sapphire, sparkling with a brilliance that puts the stars to shame."

Mel laughs, a musical sound that sends shivers down my spine.

"Well, aren't you the charmer, War," she replies, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Encouraged by her response, I forge ahead, determined to dazzle her with my wit and charm.

"And your hair - it's like spun gold, cascading down your shoulders in waves of pure sunshine. I could get lost in it for hours."

I lean in closer, my heart pounding with excitement as I await her reaction.

Surely, she must be swooning by now.

This flirting thing? I've got it down to a science.

But just as I'm about to launch into another round of compliments, Yin clears his throat, interrupting the moment with an air of mischief.

"Ah, War," he says, his voice dripping with amusement.

"I hate to break it to you, but Mel here is... well, she's not exactly into guys."

I freeze, my words caught in my throat as the realization hits me like a ton of bricks. Mel, the object of my affection, is a lesbian.

A lesbian?

How could I have missed such a crucial detail?

"Yin, you didn't have to ruin the moment," Mel scolds, her voice tinged with frustration.

I feel a surge of embarrassment wash over me, realizing just how badly I've misread the situation.

Here I was, thinking I was charming Mel with my extra ordinary compliments, when in reality, I was only making a fool of myself.

Mel reaches across the table, placing a comforting hand on my arm. "Don't listen to him, War. You were doing just fine," she says, her voice soft and reassuring.

I hastily excuse myself from the table, my cheeks burning with humiliation.

I can't help but feel like the universe is conspiring against me.

First, the embarrassing encounter with Mel, and now Yin's laughter echoing in my ears like a mocking soundtrack to my misery.

But just as I think things couldn't possibly get any worse, fate decides to throw yet another curveball my way.

As I walk away from the table, lost in my own thoughts and trying to salvage what little dignity I have left, I fail to notice the wet floor sign strategically placed in my path.

With a loud thud, I slip and go sprawling, arms flailing wildly as I land ungracefully on my backside.

The entire cafeteria erupts into laughter, and I can feel the heat of embarrassment spreading across my face as I struggle to regain my footing.

Could this day get any more humiliating?

To make matters worse, as I pick myself up off the floor, I realize that I've managed to spill my drink all over my shirt, leaving me drenched and disheveled.

I glance back towards the table where Yin and Mel sit, their laughter now joined by the amused glances of the other diners.

It's official

I've become the laughingstock of the entire cafeteria.

With a defeated sigh, I straighten my shirt as best as I can and shuffle out of the cafeteria, determined to put this disastrous day behind me.

But knowing my luck, there's bound to be more embarrassment waiting just around the corner.



I don't proofread, sorry for the typos and stuff

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I don't proofread, sorry for the typos and stuff.

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