Lost forever

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Chapter 1

It’s been weeks since Ezra’s friend, Noah has gone missing due to
unknown reasons. Ezra texted his friends, Fritz and Devon so they could
meet up in the graveyard, to talk about what they will do to find Noah,
after they decided to take matters into their own hands, since the
police officers gave up on the case. After the boys arrived at the
graveyard Fritz said:

-“So….what’s the plan?”

-“We don’t have one, that is the point of this whole meeting, to come
up with an actual plan.” Ezra said.

-“Oh c’mon, it’s not like us three can find him if even the police

-”Well I don’t know about you two but I am not leaving our friend
behind that easily, who knows, he could still be alive, somewhere out

-“Ezra is right, we can’t just pretend like this never happened, we need
to go and try to find out what happened that night.” Devon finally
spoke up.

-“Thank you, at least you get it, now let’s make a plan, I suggest tonight
we pack some flashlights and some baseball bats just in case along with
walkie-talkies and go in the forest to the place Noah was last seen, we
can start searching around there.”

Both boys agreed and then they all went back home to prepare for the
night. After the sun went down and there was slightly dark outside Ezra
and the two boys met up at the graveyard again.

-“Are you guys ready?” Ezra asked.

The boys nodded and they followed Ezra into the dark forest. After they
arrived at the place they decided to spread up, to cover more ground.
As Fritz was walking through the forest he heard some footsteps near
him. He got out his flashlight and flashed it around. Just as he was
about to close his flashlight again the light of it had spotted a shadowy
figure. Fritz’s eyes slightly widened, frozen in place as he watched the
morbid figure stand up on it’s legs, it had black large pupils and claw-
like fingers with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Fritz thought he was
just hallucinating until the creature let out a loud screeching sound and
started lunging at him.

To be continued… :}
Story by: Werewolf999

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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