Shopping & Coffee

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"Hey so are you still ok with coming to the race this Sunday? Or are you going to bump into Mr mysterious again?" Ming yen teased with a smile as we walked through my apartment complex heading to my apartment.

"Ming yen. I met him once and I'll probably never see him again it was just a one time thing. And yes I'm still free this Sunday." I replied, correcting her thoughts.

"Good, because I'm thinking that we should go to that new mall just outside of Shanghai, I heard it has loads of American stores there and we still need to get our outfits for the race." She explained.

"But how are we going to get there, I don't have a license and you don't have a functioning car." I questioned.

"Well I've already planed all of this out. We'll get on the subway obviously. See I'm always one step ahead, you don't have to worry about it." She answered.

I nodded with approval, I did need an outfit for the weekend so maybe shopping wasn't a bad idea. I would usually say no I have too much homework to do but today, I was too unmotivated to do anything revolving around homework and it's only Wednesday.

Once I unlocked my apartment, I walked into my bedroom to put on a decent outfit as the clothes I had on were barely acceptable to go out in. Ming yen freshened up grabbed her bag and off we went.

The subway only took us 20 minutes, but honestly it was way too crowded to be on it for more than 20 minutes.

Once we arrived at the mall I was amazed at how big it was. I had never seen a mall have such amounts of stores in it. There were multiple floors all having different stores on, some with food places, some with clothing stores it was endless.

Of course we had to go to one of the food stores first because a tied brain needs food.
We stopped at Forever21 which I've never been in before actually, then we stopped by Levi's, had a look in Coach, went into Sephora, we eventually stopped in a F1 merch store. I don't think I've ever been in one. Ming yen made me buy a team cap which she chose for me, it turned out to be a McLaren cap with a matching McLaren jersey shirt. For herself she chose a Ferrari jersey and a matching cap.

As we took the subway home Ming yen asked if she could show me a new cafe that opened near her apartment. Since I was quite hungry myself I agreed and it was getting colder as it got darker.
Once off the subway it was only a 5 minute walk which was good as I was now freezing in only a small jumper and jeans.

The cafe was painted in a dark green on the outside and on the inside it was grey and green. The atmosphere was quiet and warm, the only noise really being the coffee machine and people quietly chatting. We ordered a small drink to start with before sitting down at a table near the window. The chairs were cushioned and comfortable with a small oak table in the middle.

We sat and chatted for about half an hour before I decided to go up and get a muffin to share. The door bell sounded as someone walked in, I was too busy looking in the cake stand to see who it was.

I ordered a warm caramel and banana muffin and a small iced espresso, I stood to the side to let the person behind me order before realising that the prison behind me was the same guy in the convenience store last night.

I shot quick glances at him to make sure it really was him before he caught onto me glancing at him. He caught my gazes and smiled softly to me, which I quickly returned. He ordered his coffee before standing beside me waiting for his drink. In my mind I was begging for him to strike up a conversation, being too nervous to do it my self. And it was like he read my mind.

"So you must live round here then huh?" He asked standing next to me.

"Yeh I do actually, what about you?" I asked trying to be polite.

"Oh no I'm not from around here I'm here kind of on a business trip?" He replied.

"I did kind of guessed from yesterday. Where are you from then?" I asked him.

"Oh I'm living in Monaco at the moment, but I'm originally from the U.K, what about you, you're not from China are you?" He pondered.

"I'm not from here actually I'm also from the U.K actually, but that's so cool that you live in Monaco. You must have a crazy good job to be able to live there." I answered in amazement.

"Oh yeh my job is crazy good, you wouldn't believe it." He replied with a small laugh.

"Xiǎo bēi bīng nóngsuō kāfēi?"
(Small iced espresso?)

"Ah that's me, um I'll see you around maybe again?" I asked with confusion.

"Uh maybe. Oh by the way I didn't introduce myself, my names Bob by the way." He replied.

"Bob? Right I'm y/n by the way, see ya." I replied sending a small smile before walking back to Ming yen.

"Omg what a mysterious person! He- he, uh this is killing my brain I'm going to get another coffee." Ming yen said before strutting off, she was baffled once I told her that I had met the so called Mr mysterious who is actually called, Bob?. I chuckled to myself as I picked up my phone from the coffee table. I leaned back into the chair placing my phone back down, we had spent almost 3 hours at the coffee shop and it was almost 9pm. Luckily Thursday is our day off from University so we didn't have to worry about being tired tomorrow.

I almost went deff in both my ears as Ming yen came almost running back to the table practically screaming in excitement. She was bright red and looked as if she just been struck by lightning.

"Y/n omg! Omg! I can't speak. You'll never guess who I just saw sat in this coffee shop the same time we are?!!" She practically shouted.

"What who, who tell me?" I asked.

"It's Lando Norris! Omg I'm going to pass out! Im in the same coffee shop as him y/n do you know how this feels!" She explained out of breath.

"Oh, well that's nice for you did you at least try to say hello?" I asked.

"What no y/n you can't just go up to a crazy celebrity and just say hello that's weird!" She argued.

"Well how do you know if it was him if you didn't say hello?" I asked.

"Trust me I knew it was him I'm not stupid." She replied.

"Well I thought Charles Leclarc was your favourite driver?" I wondered.

"You can have more than one favourite driver." She responded.

"I wonder if Bob is Lando in disguise, that would be funny." I laughed.

"Uhhh, we should get back now it's starting to rain and nether of us brought jackets." Ming yen pointed out. 

We gathered our stuff before bidding our goodbyes to the barista. And started our way to Ming yen's apartment as she lived the closest.

Please let me know if this is actually good or not:)

Word count: 1269.

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